


brookeybear777’s Profile PhotoBrooke
Tbh; youre gorgeous and we just started talking but your an amazing friend and your super nice. We should totally hang out sometime bc you seemm super chill and fun.. your great to talk to and really funny. And we should totally go get a tatoo together lol #"SnapchatEmoji" loll i love how you were sttanding up for me with that whole matt crap and just know ive allways got your back too! (:
-Send your @ for long tbh-

Latest answers from Katelynnn~

Hey! I have maybe a little unusual question. Do you think that is something bad if a man wants to taste his own cum?

damian666866’s Profile PhotoA.W.
No lol it’s not

Are you excited about Thanksgiving?

No not really it’s always a big confusing mess jumping house to house and now I have a dog who I’m hiding from my parents so that’ll be hard when there’s like 50 plus people gonna be here

Is it weird to be sensitive? I mean like I hate it! I always get offended to something really small

Nah not weird just dangerous. Gotta learn how to build that inner wall so you’re not always upset

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