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Ask @katieallen2

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What's your favorite things to do in the summer?

Eat icecream
Go on cute walks
Chill with friends
Tan x

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What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

Either me&my Nan
Me&Megan Shaw in Paris
Me&My beautiful MommaBear x

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

There's gonna be bitches and nasty people in the world that are going to hurt you and try and bring you down, but don't let them because everyone's beautiful in their own unique way and it just takes the right person to see it.
Keep your head held high and keep your beautiful smiles on your faces because you're all beautiful and amazing people, and you're all in this world for a reason:')

Which is your favorite song?

Talking To The Moon-Bruno Mars
Impossible-James Arthur
Love Me Again-John Newman
Science&Faith-The Script
We Cry-The Script
No Words-The Script
Millionaire-The Script
Yeah, i love The Script.

Is it easier to forgive or forget?

I dunno tbh..
I don't forget things that people do to hurt me very well
But i also don't forgive people easier, they have prove to me that they won't hurt me again x

Whom do you really love?

Megan Shaw
Molly Bywater
Eleanor Luttrell
Jack Barker-BoyBestie
Adam Carter-Kinda BoyBestie
Alice Hague
Shan Cotton

What kind of things annoy you?

Two faced bitches
Greasy hair
Annoying people
Girls that act dumb for attention off lads
Lads that think they can get any girl
Girls that think WAAAAY too much of themselves
Fake people
People that bumsuck other people
People that mess with your feelings
People that mess with your head
The list goes on and on and on

What is your favorite month of the year?

September (birthday month though;-))
December (Christmas)


Language: English