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Ask @katieallen2

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Views on Neve Quince???

Gorgeous girl, proper nice, amazing laugh;-), known her for a while now..got a lot of time for her too:-)

Views on izzy mate?

Absolutely gorgeous, lovely girl, great personality..she was my infants best friend:') she scares me with her dreams though:P but yeah, lovely, got a lot of time for her too:-)

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Views on Megan Atkin

Shes my babe. Shes gorgeous and shes got one of the loveliest personalities ever:-) known her since i was like 4, had so many memories together and hopefully more to come! I LOVE THAT GIRL!
Liked by: Boo.☯

I want a go who's not frigid and I sorta like you but your frigid

its probably cuz i've hardly done anything with anyone tbh..who is this? inbox me on facebook?

What day would you love to live again?

if i had loads of days it'd be my life, to stop things happening that upset me..

Prettiest 2 girls in year 9,10 and 11

Year 9-Alyssa Maris&Natasha Wright
Year 10-Erica Gleed&either Reanna Mosleh or Emily Beth Phillips
Year 11-Emily Fisher and dunno who else:/

How long would you have to go out with someone before you started to do stuff like snogging and fingering and that

umm..i wouldnt finger cuz thats dirtaaaay

I'm like in love with you but you will never like me so I stopped trying with you, you are my world and one day you didn't talk to me I cried my self to sleep

umm..woaah..emotions..who is this?


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