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Ask @katieallen2

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If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

"Gimme a elf?"

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Do you prefer a bath or shower?

Bath in the winter or when I'm sad so I can relax
Shower in the summer

Who are the people you spend the most time with?

Megan Shaw
Molly Bywater
Eleanor Luttrell
My MommaBear
Family x

If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

Molly&The Script x

Doing hot or not's if you're interested;) Like 5 for hot or not and then send me a question, i'll answer with your picture, who likes thinks you're hot x

Okay x

Views on Shannon Cotton?

Shannon is so amazing though. We didn't use to get on very well but we've gotten closer and we're pretty close now:') She's beautiful and such an amazing friend, shes so fab;) aw, love her so so much:') LOVE YOU SHAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!;-)x x
Liked by: Eleanor

Views on Molly Bywater?

LOVE HER! She's so gorgeous and such an amazing person, actually love her millions. She's like my sister tbh, she means so much to me and i never want to lose her, ever!:') She's such an amazing person and one of my bestest friends:) She's also my little MollyBoo:') If anyone gets her in their life than they are the luckiest person ever, because she's fab!;) AW, JUST LOVE HER MILLIONS:')x x
Liked by: Eleanor youtube

well you made me smile:3 thank you! you're so sweet! how could anyone bully you!<3

Aw glad i did:')&no problem:)&awrh thankyou cutie!&they're not really bullying me but I don't know aha, it's just their opinion obviously, be reyt;-)<3


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