
Kennedy Vantine

Ask @kenvantinexoxo

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Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

kind of. I mean I don't WANT it but if I got it I would be obsessed most likely

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ok so I was looking at different "Issa accounts" and I came across yours and I want to be friends since we both live in the same state but I'm too shy to ask.. plus it might be weird because I'm a bit young 😂

no it wouldn't be:)) dm me! I'd love to talk some time❤️

Thoughts on Cydney Nelson

she is like my best friend. I have known her all my life. I love her lots. and who is asking these questions?

What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

the park, anywhere as long as i like them and they are fun and have a since of humor.

Thoughts on Ellen Woodhouse?

she is so sweet and gorgeous. we have gotten so close recently and I am really happy about it. I love her:)


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