

Ask @khar9714

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Thoughts on Gavi

my gavi... I honestly don't know where to start...around three or so years ago I started talking to you and I have no clue what was gonna come out of it. I still remember the first thing you said to me... "truth is...who are you?" who knew that this would have grown to be what it is today. we talked day and night and you were at your nationals for cheer amd you won it that year and I was so proud of you! we flirted a lot and then I don't knoe what happened, but we were friends until we started talking again right as school started again. I still remember that night that I am was at the football field and you came to me and hung out for a little then we went home. but then later I walked to you because you really scared me and I thought you were going to end it... but I'm glad that I came. we stood there and just hugged. and hugged. i didnt wanna let you go. but I had to... ever since then we have been bestfriends and I can honestly say that I have never been happier with my choice of a bestfiend. I love you so much. you mean the world to me. you always make me smile no mattet what you do.. I can be in the worst mood of my life and a simple text from you will change my mood in a heart beat. every time we text I smile and can't but smile because you are amazing. you are so sweet and loving and caring you have the biggest heart foe Everyone. even if you don't know them you still care. and guess what babe. your birthday is tomorrow. you're goint to be soo old Right? like 12. so big. I need to see you soon gavi. I miss you like a fuck ton. I always love being with you because i always have a good time no matter what. I always am happy and laughing and ill never be bored. also you are probably the funniest human being out there. I mean damn you're funny. god i love you Gavi. we still need to have our taco bell date. text me back fag♥♥♥♥♥

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You're a pussy that's how

yeah I, kellen harlow, a soon to be united states marine who's father was also a united states marine is a pussy. atleast I'm not hiding behind a computer screen. atleast I actually have the guts to put my life on the line to keep your ass free...
your logic <<<<

Your literally the biggest faggot I know. Grow some balls and stop hitting on girls that are young enough to be your daughter. It's creepy

in 15 years age won't matter one damn bit. and I hope you do realize that i don't plan in having a daughter 2-3 years younger than me. now stop being a coward and say this to my face.

what are your turn ons and turn offs?

on a girl
what she does.
1.lip and neck biting
2. wrapping her legs around me.
3.messing with my hair.
4. soft moaning
5. whispering In my ear.
6. making out crazy
7. grabbing my body

I feel as if everyone is leaving me. No one seems to care about me anymore because I did one thing wrong. I can end it now and everything would be SOOO much easier and better for everyone. So I guess I should just do it now?

no you fucking shouldn't do it. honestly you did one mistake. its one mistake sweety. people will judge everything you do. and you have to stand up for yourself say f you to all the people judging you because everyone makes mistakes. even the people that judge you. they probably make the worst mistakes and just because you made one dosent mean they have the right to judge you. please do not end your life because peoplr who have probably made the same mistakes as you are judging you. they are stupid. because every human makes mistakes and they have no reason to judge you for one thing. no bodies perfect. so the next time someone judges you on just say "you better be damn perfect to be able to judge me" please you cant give up. please don't

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

I would mainly reach out to all the teens and adults struggling with depression and tell them it will all be okay and every thing happens for a reason. Something wonderful will come and change your views on life. Si out your blades away and think about how life will change


Language: English