

Ask @khar9714

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Why do you want a long distance relationship?

cause I'm not attractive. but I want to fall in love with a girl's personality and for her to fall in love with mine. then we meet and its like a romantic thing
Liked by: Ryann

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and like his parents are going out of town so he is staying with me for the weekend and like we haven't had sex yet and he is lime dropping major hints and like we have talked about it but idk i guess im just scared. but like i want to. any advice

the biggest advice I can give you is to make sure he is the right guy you want to do it with. because sometimes you do it and its not the right time and the relationship goes flat. make sure he's right

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I HATE bullies. You should never cut yourself again or think about it cuz no one deserves to self harm cuz of other ppls words. Ppl don't even understand how much words hurt. When ppl try n tlk shit to me I don't even let it get to me. Neither should u cuz u seem like a really good person :)

thanks anon

How do i even have the structures of a gaping vaginia because thats what you like big o saggy vaginias.

first off, learn to spell vagina* second off you are a pussy cause you csnt even say this to my face. you're too scsred of me. so you're obviously to much of a coward.

There's a smiley face in every single one of those messages besides your mom and gavi

your point? texting wih smileys is like talking monotone all day and never showing expressions. if you don't ever use a smiley in a text I will not text you

Tbh you should already know what I have to say bc i texted it to you like 30 minutes ago and i tell you basically everyday. But you're perfect and amazing and I'm sorry for being a butthead this morning(: and you should be nice and let me win once(: love youuu. rate: 1527393610 date: obviously...(;

obvi you want the d.
Liked by: Dalen Anderson


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