
khalid alawneh

Ask @khokhazain

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Yeah there's lots of sides in me :D no ma fe , bnat t59o9na maiteen :D!So for that im trying to motivate ppl around me and putting positive things on my twitter and facebook, im trying to make a difference in the world ^_^ even if it was small and for one person, what do u do to make a difference?

mmmmm to be honest all what i do is simple ...for example i thank bus drivers for the ride and smile in their faces

Hahahaaha no am always like that :p now you know another side from me :p I just dont find an excited ppl around me to share this with them :p I used to in school but now in uni I cant find a girl like me , btw ma fhmet hai elkelma ( ftarget ) bjwabk:D

haha kollek mofaja2at :p ....mafi 3endko volunteers bl genetics ?
..eno target without f :p

AMAZING , AMAZING , AMAZING video , I looooooooove this kind of videos , u know what was the best part from this video , when he said : if you are not making someone's else's life better , then you are wasting your time . ! (Y) ,,,

you are bad at math ?? because you never studied ....it's really great ...these kind of videos inspire you and help people to get motivation ...so you must never give up on something you want okay ?


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