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When was the last time you got chased by dog(s)? How did it go in the end?

SundayMondayOfficial’s Profile PhotoUNKNOWN PERSON
I actually have a funny story about this. My friends and I were having our morning tea after a very hectic duty when out of nowhere, these three wild, rabid dogs came running out of nowhere, straight towards where we were seated.
In a panicked state, we did all we could manage to do without attracting any unnecessary attention because the place was d3ad serious in itself, no pun intended.
This included climbing on the chair, keeping our legs on the table (I know, bad manners), but thankfully, those dogs ran away because a security guard saw our helplessness and shooed them away. Scary situation it was indeed. But now it makes me laugh at all our futile attempts. 😵‍💫🥴

What do you get most annoyed by on ASK? What do you like?

I get annoyed by how often misunderstandings can happen while you’re anonymous and people taking advantage of the anonymous feature. I really like how I can chat with friends and ask them questions because I always seek answers and there’s nothing I’d rather do than ask/answer questions on here.

Should me and my ex be friends again or date again

The pure stupidity is driving me nuts. You broke up for a reason, and if you couldn't fix the issues you two had when you were together, then why get back together? Also, why are you involving a bunch of strangers into your business that we don't need to be in.

I'm a male. I'm a muslim. It's a serious question. I heard many doctors and read books of doctors on mastu__. They say it's good. Dr Affan and many other doctors. Is I'm sinful if i do this according to Islam. I'm confused and scared. It's common in my friends

So, what the CREATION about its self, is what you trust more than What the CREATOR said about his OWN creation?
What confuses you?
can a creation be as intelligent as its own creator?
Can a creation be as wiser as its own creator?
Do u by any chance think that dr affan has equal knowledge to the creator or messenger?
Do u think dr affan and his dr army can save you from hell fire?
Or he can be used as your lawyer on day of judgment?
A sin is a sin. And each sin has a punishment. Even if the whole world tells you its not a sin. Still it can change nothing.
If you have common sense you would choose creator over creation.
Ask for his mercy for what you did earlier restrict and repent from sins.

What do you think our ancestors did when they were bored, before entertainment media such as TV, radio, internet etc. existed

They might’ve read books, did work around the house, talk to their friends, played sports/were physically active, went farming, or listened to live music. Men might’ve went hunting.

What can you do for your friends?

“I’ll take a bullet” would be cliche.
But I can do other stuff, I can be there for them when their car breaks down at 11 at night. I can call off from work for them if we’re a man short for cricket. I can be there if they call me for a fight, knowing 100% we’re going to get beat up. I can give them pick and drop even if they live 30kms from me.
Bs ye chotay motay kaam hi krskta hoon me to.

When was the last time that you visited the northern areas of Pakistan? Which part of it did you love the most?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I Visited Hunza last September, It was one of the most mesmerising experiences of my life. The big mountains, the snow, the views along with good company of friends, it was just Beautiful🖤
Liked by: Samra Micro. Saira.

What is the most unique or interesting thing you've seen at a wedding? 👰

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
I went to a friend's sister's wedding, a few years ago, and they have this tradition where the bride stands on the sofa, and her brother picks her up and puts her on the floor. That was so adorable.
There was another thing. The same people have this tradition (or perhaps, it was the family's decision, I am unsure), that all the guests sit on the floor, and share the food. It showed brotherhood, humbleness, and the beautiful aim of more blessings.

When you want to go somewhere, do you usually drive yourself there or does someone else drive for you instead?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Depends on where I’m going, everyday things like college I usually drive myself, parties concerts or events or somewhere where parking is limited my dad will drive me or we all go together in a friends car ✨
Do you drive Merve? ✨

Do you have a best friend? 😸 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
A best friend? Hmm idk I have friends.. I have good friends, close friends, used to be friends that are now acquaintances, I have someone I consider a best friend.. but I know he just sees me more as a good friend and "the one that wouldn't choose him" because he did try.. but he was my ex's friend first before we became best friends. I wasn't going to be that girl, because I'm not that kinda girl. I'd like to think my best friend is/will be the person I spend the rest of my days with.. wherever he is lol maybe someday idk

Someone I know posted on Fb that they're in the hospital for surgery and will update everyone afterward. I messaged them, but they didn't reply, yet they told our mutual friends. Do you think they might not consider me as close, and that's why they refused to give me more info?

Perhaps but it really doesn’t matter since they might’ve forgotten to reply back and it’s probably nothing personal. I also have a tendency to worry and care too much about people replying back to my messages and it’s really exhausting for no good reason. Also, they’re in the hospital for surgery which is a good enough reason to ignore text messages because they’ve got bigger problems to deal with.

She thinks she did something https://ask.fm/syd13kidxo/answers/175738463121

All ima say is ALL my friends have used recent photos of themselves and one posts photos of herself at the gym working om herself. The other recycles the same 5 photos from the last 3 years and the same 3 bikini pics. Jasmine has kids and managed to lose weight and openly posted new photos. The only one claiming to lose weight but not proving it is syd, and I really don't care if she does or doesn't, but consider how much she body shamed other females. Kasey, jasmine and raechel included. You'd think she'd be honest. now I'm over this girl and topic.

A fun question. Would u rather may your cousin sister/brother or your best friend's ex? 😜😂 Both options u wanna avoid but u gotta pick one

zarmeenashah’s Profile Photozarmeenashah
Alhamdulilah x 100 that I don't have any older cousins. 😌
Best friend's ex? Eww. I want someone brand new. 😭 (Wow, it rhymed).

Was the transition from middle school to high school big for you (either due to switching schools, the pressure to do well academically, having a hard time making friends, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Middle school we didn't change classes, the teachers came us vs high school where we had to switch classes, it was a bit difficult not getting recess in high school but we did get to leave the school for lunchtime

Who is the most creative person you know? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ooh, I had to think about this one for a bit. A lot of my friends are creatives but the most creative person I've ever known is a woman I went to university with (she's graduated now).
Not only is she a phenomenal writer, but she's also a baker, she makes all manner of crafts from jewelry to handbags to plush toys, and she has quite the knack for interior design too.
I honestly find her quite inspiring! She's definitely encouraged me to try new things and to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to my own artistic journey.

What are your thoughts on sarcasm? Does it make you more friends or enemies?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I do like it! And I don’t mind other people using it! Depending on who I talk to, I can definitely bring out my sarcastic side way more. Like, some of my friends are more sarcastic than others, for example, and I feel comfortable doing that with them. Same goes with my family. Sometimes though, sarcasm can go over my head a bit, especially in text cause it’s hard to decipher one’s tone. 😅 But being sarcastic has definitely not made me any enemies, I don’t even have those to begin with. 😂
I do have some thoughts on how it should be used though. I think it needs to be used with caution and care. What I mean by that is I’ve noticed some people either overuse it, or use it as a subtle way to bash someone else, be condescending, passive aggressive, etc. 😐 And in that case, it’s certainly possible to be put in a situation where people don’t like you that much. So I would say it’s important to know where the boundaries are, and when to be sarcastic with someone/when not to be. And if someone doesn’t like sarcasm/doesn’t understand it, please respect that. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says outright they didn’t like a sarcastic joke or something, and people use more sarcasm to essentially make fun of them for it… 😒

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What are your thoughts on sarcasm Does it make you more friends or enemies

Do you think that when a person is surrounded by insecure friends or family members, they themselves are more likely to become insecure over time?

They say.
“You are who you align yourself with”.
In theory someone else behavior can rub off on a person. But, also you do have a mind of your own.

Share your best memory associated with rain.

Saira019’s Profile PhotoSaira.
As we grew up, we started to protect ourselves from rain or avoid going out in rain. Earlier in the child hood, it was opposite. We used to go out with our friends, played and enjoyed in the rain. I remember playing cricket. Normally, we would go out and play cricket everyday at 6 PM. But whenever it was raining, we used to go earlier than that. Playing in the rain and getting home drenched in water and then being scolded by mother was so much fun. Whenever I remember those times, it takes me back to the nostalgic times where I have many such memories that I cannot remember.

Do you think people prefer mean, rude or sarcastic individuals over nice? I notice that people who are mean tend to have more people who look up to them bc they’re “cooler” while the nice & quiet ones are ok to talk to but tend to be more easily forgotten & ignored which makes me wonder why 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean… some do. I know I don’t prefer that though, and the people I’m friends with don’t either. I’m not friends with people to appear “cool,” nor would I ever intentionally be mean to be considered cool by a handful of people. Those aren’t true friends, in my opinion. To me, they are in it for how popular they’ll be, and how they’re percieved, instead of wanting authentic friendship. 😐 I don’t mind sarcasm, as I’m sarcastic myself at times. But, I feel sarcasm can also be a bit condescending/passive aggressive depending on what you’re saying, how you say it, and your relationship to the person you say it to. There’s a place for sarcasm, and doing it to be more subtly rude isn’t okay.
Personally, I wanna be friends with people who genuinely want to know me and hang out with me, and who are fun, kind, thoughtful, both to me and others, etc. I think feeling safe with people is really important, and I don’t feel safe with people who have tendencies to be rude for “cool points.” If they’re willing to be rude to others for a reason like that, more than likely, they’ll be willing to be rude to you too. 😅
I think the reason people tend to remember mean or “cool” individuals is because they purposely stir up drama and get people talking. 😒 And to me, it always feels like they want an audience. They want people to talk about them, to look at them, think about them, etc, it heightens the experience, AND because they are deemed as “cool”, it draws others in and makes them aspire to be just like them. Even if it’s rather unfortunate that it is that way.
Whereas quieter people get ignored/forgotten, likely because they have tendencies to stay out of things, and don’t give people reason to talk much. Though, I will say, even though they are seemingly ignored, you never know who was secretly touched by their kindness, or are attracted to their nature. People remember kindness and how good it makes them feel much more than you may think. You don’t have be mean in order to be remembered… Just saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can you be assertive? Yes absolutely, in fact, I think assertiveness is a good thing. But mean or unnecessarily rude? No thank you.

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Do you think people prefer mean rude or sarcastic individuals over nice I

If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I try to be a listening ear as much as possible, and just show I love and care about them by actually saying it, and of course showing it. Like, just really to make them feel they are valued. I also try to do nice things for them that I know may take pressure off them. I like to refrain from giving advice unless they specifically ask for it, in these situations though… Cause I know, if I’m feeling like that, I don’t want my friends to attempt to fix the problem, or carry it for me, I just like to know they are there and will support me/listen as much as they are able to.
I think the goal in friendship isn’t always to absolve our friends of their problems, or their hard feelings. It’s more so to talk through it with them, be a friendly sounding board, a place they can talk and be free to express what they need without judgement. And also, for encouragement, and to remind them that someone is there for them, even when everything feels really heavy, dark, and lonely. I know some of what’s helped me during my lowest points is the friends I know I can turn to no matter how I’m feeling and I know for a fact, they are gonna be there. 🥺🥹

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If your close friend or friends in general were going through depression how

What types of personalities do you tend to gravitate towards? Why do you think that is?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Not a personality type, but I have noticed that I tend to gravitate towards my fellow neurodivergent folk, and particularly towards others on the spectrum. As for the reason why, I’m pretty confident it has something to do with the ways that neurodivergent people communicate and how our communication style differs from that of our neurotypical peers.
That’s not to say that I don’t have NT friends who I also love. However, I have found that in most (if not all) of my relationships with NTs, there has been something of an awkward "teething phase" where we’ve struggled to get on the same wavelength.
Maybe they were trying to subtly imply something and I just wasn’t picking up on it. Maybe they misinterpreted something I said as holding hidden meaning when I was literally just being direct.
It’s not a huge deal, stuff like that happens sometimes when folks have differently-wired brains! So long as both parties are committed to talking things out openly and working through miscommunications together, I see no reason why a friendship can't happen. With my closest NT friends, we have reached a point where we do understand each other. It might've took some work, but we got there eventually.
… I won’t lie though, it is nice to not have to trudge through that initial teething phase. Hence why the vast majority of my friends ARE neurodivergent. We just kinda 'get' each other in a way neurotypicals often don't. 😅

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If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I would support them by trying to do things that make them happy and would keep in touch with them frequently to let them know that they don’t have to go through depression alone. I myself have depression so I’d advise them to go out more and reward themselves after getting themselves to do a chore or a task that they might’ve been putting off for a while.

Everything around you feels sad when you're low. I'm that 'sadness' from 'Inside Out'. Do you guys feel the same or is it just my stupid head telling me that everyone and everything's just sad like me?

Sameen_Khalil’s Profile PhotoSameen_Khalil
Keep your blessings private. If you're happy and blessed, stay quiet about it. There's no need to broadcast it to the world. Trust me, the evil eye is real and not everyone wants to see you succeed. Even those closest to you like family and friends can sometimes be secretly envious.
So, stay discreet. Often, we ruin our own blessings by sharing them openly. It's understandable to feel excited and want to express gratitude but isn't it enough to thank Allah?
Allah cares, people don't. ❤️

Happy birthday Yentl! May your day be full of warmth, joy, and good things! 😁✨

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Hi Jo, thank you so much! 🥰🥳 so sweet of you to say that 🥺
Yesterday my friends and I managed to escape an escape room in time. We went there for my birthday. Today I went to the Efteling (theme park) with my boyfriend. I had a birthday button and lots of people and staff congratulated me, so sweet! 🥺
We’re now on our way home to celebrate my birthday with my parents. ☺️
Happy birthday Yentl May your day be full of warmth joy and good things

Can anybody teach me english who is already fluent in english i want to enhance please tell me if anyone is interested into teach me ❤️

Ashar_here’s Profile PhotoAshar_here
With a 4years Bachelor degree in Linguistics, I am qualified to tell you that “Language cannot be taught or learned, It can be acquired”
So I would suggest watching English series, specifically Sitcoms like “The Modern Family” or “Friends” or The Office”.
This will help u acquire the language used in everyday conversations!

What is something that you'd do of you weren't afraid?

I would admit all of my fears and worries but I’m afraid that I might end up scaring people away or push them away without meaning to by doing so. I have a tendency to think my friends could be plotting against me and when I don’t hear from them for a little while, I start to think that they might have problem with me that they aren’t telling me. I’ve been betrayed by friends in the past and my “friend group” ran away from me when they saw me at an event which hurt and I wondered what I could’ve done to deserve that. As a result of my past friendships, I always have doubts and am constantly thinking negatively when it comes to others who haven’t even done anything bad.

Why can't anyone be friends with me

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
If Donald Trump is leading in the polls that indicates that democrats are switching at high numbers, previously stated its to late to change much unless obvious cheating is in the cards. Not everyone is going to switch back because Harris is the new candidate it could actually make things worse. Who didn't switch up are only voting because Biden was the main nominee, thats like Trump dropping out and someone else taking his place the popularity would drop because the next person isn't why people vote for the Republicans.

What's your most precious memory?

ibnadam5’s Profile PhotoAHAD
There are many...seeing the pride on others' faces for me...late-night talks with friends or my sister filled with positive energy...witnessing my loved ones proud of my achievements...cozy family vacations to hilly areas...helping others and receiving prayers in return...informative conversations with Dada Abu...playing with cousins in the afternoon...all these are precious pearls in the necklace of my life...

How do you keep complications away from opposite gender friendships? P.S. Whoever said girls and boys can't be friends was goddamn right!

AbdullahBasitkhan’s Profile Photodynamite
دورے پڑتے ہیں۔۔۔ کسی ایک کو ضرور۔۔۔
ان دوروں کا ایک وقت ہوتا ہے۔۔۔
دوسرے کو چاہیے کہ صبر سے انتظار کرے۔۔۔
وہ دورے گزر جائیں۔۔۔ پھر فیصلہ کرلو، اب دوست رہنا ہے یا نہیں۔۔۔

Why did you break up with ex?

He was seeing his ex behind my back, whilst also claiming he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. They were meeting up "for coffee", though. 😅. I ended the relationship straight away but stupidly took him back in the end. It didn't last long as the trust had disappeared, and I just thought less of him in general. Some people might think it's weird but we're still friends, now. We have no bad blood.

Describe an experience that shook you to your core?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I had an experience in childhood that still haunts me. It may seem insignificant and childish to some, and we were all just kids back then, so no hard feelings. But there was a time after the vacations when I found myself sitting alone in class because everyone had formed groups. Despite swallowing my pride, I asked a few classmates, but they all had partners. This happened because my so-called friends had started teasing me. That isolation remains the most painful and unsettling experience I’ve endured.

How do you keep complications away from opposite gender friendships? P.S. Whoever said girls and boys can't be friends was goddamn right!

AbdullahBasitkhan’s Profile Photodynamite
Not completely true. You have to set boundaries and it's totally possible to have strong meaningful friendship with people of any gender without making distinctions based on genders... I have three female best friends and four male best friends and I can't tell any difference between them. They are all the same to me. You just need to learn to see things beyond gender.

Language: English