

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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If you haven't gotten over a past breakup can you start a new relationship? ✨

Oh na no one should start a relationship with out finishing the other

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There are a large number of mean women on ASK FM. 👿👿👿👿°°°°

Did some one made you feed bad ? 😠 let me know darlin I got you .. I know you talk shit about my life .. but I still won’t let no one hurt you 🦁 cause you talk shit with out knowing shit

How we feel about Eminem

Well I realized not too long ago .. that I am the Mexican Eminem or there is an Eminem in me … I can relate to many parts in the 8mile movie .. when I think of Eminem all I think of is A Rabbit 🐇

How many people do you follow on ig?

Idk and it don’t matter… the more you take care of your love ones the more they think of you … if you don’t care about your love ones they will find love some where else … so be real, make him feel that you are with him not agains him … if you do things behind his back … you’ll make him feel that you’re agains him… and another person can take it away from you … when man are vulnerable any girl can get him

Tis the season to be jolly falalalalala 🎄🎅 are you feeling jolly?

I feel rested 😃 I feel good 😃 im not stressing about gifts … shit I don’t really care about giving to be honest … I’ve been giving for years .. this year im gonna give my self PEACE OF MIND

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

Woman and man are the same … that’s bullshit … men are from Mars woman from Venus .. I think that’s how it goes

I’m broken hearted, feels like there is no hope…should I give up.

Yea… give up your old life and get birth to your new life

Who smarter of the followin 1 autocorrect 2 spelling grammar 3 smart TV 4 smart phone 5 smart toilet 6 asker 🤣🤣🤣🤣


alice in wonderland or cinderella and why??

Alice .. cause she knows what up … she searches, she’s brave and she travels thru dimensions …
Cinderella just want some one to make her rich so she can scape home.

Hey! 👋👋👋 How are things

Hi 🙂 … I slept and I feel so good 🙂I woke up like 15 minutes ago .. is raining. The sun won’t come out at all… that’s for sure. And I’m not laying .. I do love you but you caused things to happen that’s what I can’t be 100% for sure .. you make me insecure


Language: English