

Ask @ksieurbfucidnw

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When you stop replying to someone on text what do you do with their text chat? Do you let it reach the bottom of your messages and let the new texts come in?

😁 I just guess what answers she’s gonna a read

Do you have a skin care routine?

No I want to learn about how to take care of my skin .. I feel like I’ve been neglecting my skin. I just started using face lotion … I didn’t use face lotion in the past

Do you talk about your past to people ?

No. I don’t even like to bring my past in my present. Unless I can use my past to help some one .. yeah I will talk.

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Do you remember your past ?

I wanna know what happened and who my ancestors are… my Godmother say that, my ancestors take care of me … maybe because of my purpose in life .. I feel very spiritually close to my Mexican ancestry. Almost as a Holy type of thing. She calls me Demetrius 😆😆 she told me to look him up. She assumes that I have something to do with that Character 😂 but I think sometimes she is a little off 🤪

Do you stalk your ex bf now wife

Hell no… I don’t even have an ex.. I’ve never had a girl before … I’m waiting for my 🍓🐰🍯

Do you like anime? I think it’s childish for adults 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t … I used to as a kid … My kids have tried to make me watch some, but no… I just don’t have time and yea

hot papi

🍓🍯🐰😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 come here let me love you 😘😘😘😘 just you … I’m yours .. take me.. don’t let me go … and I won’t let go 😘😘😘

This has been a really weird week for me. Not only had these bachelors been lined up for me going on centuries now, but, I sure wasn't prepared for the unexpected being that I had taken myself off the market years ago. Not just from 1 person, but, 2. . (smh)🤨

lmarie7328’s Profile PhotoLynn Marie
You still off the market right ?

+ 1 💬 message

read all

What are you doing next year ?

Next year I’m gonna be traveling like crazy .. I might as well buy my self an airplane 😂

Where you attractive at 23 ?

No. Most woman like athletic bodies on a men. I was never like that … girls thought I was “cute” but I hated that word cause it meant that I looked like a baby for them … I think I started to get nice complements from girls at age 35 and up. When my face started changing.

Are you afraid of change ?

No I’m used to be uncomfortable … the best way to adjust to life is to learn how to be comfortable in an uncomfortable situation

Everyone's opinions are their own and nothing is wrong with that. But advice mean more, when you've had the experience. You know what it feels like. 🤔

Yea every one likes to comment or make an opinion about how you live your life… but no one really knows what’s best but your own self … because no one can really feel what you feel… people may have an idea how you feel… but not at all .. you have your own life .. live it 😁

What does it mean when a girl adds you on snap and facebook? 🤔

That’s the thing now… every one follows you they like you I guess

What does 30 years old mean to you?

It means when you think you know about life but you just getting started. Is that point of your life when youth is no longer in your body. And your body starts to change .. specially under your eyes, and your cheeks hang down because of gravity, and your skin becomes thicker. And if you don’t excercice you become slower and slower each day. 😁😁😁😁 I’ve notice lots of people loose interest in learning after age30… you know something ??? The secrete to stay young is too always learn.. if you keep your mind busy with new thoughts your body forgets what time is 😅😅😅 I’m always in LALA LAND 😅😅😅😅

Is it cold where u live already?

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
Na … you can see a little of slit ( ice) on the grass and on top of the houses in the mornings but, nothing crazy… how’s your day 😘😘😘

The reason why you only see BBCs in porn is because all the white people that are packing big ones pursue actual careers.

🤣🤣🤣😁😁😁🤣 you’re fucking crazy 🤣😆🤣😆😆🤣🤣😆🤣🤣 I’m blessed … actually my wife is blessed 😁🍓🍯🐰😘😘😘

Why these anons from all the way want to be friends but deep down they're scared to reveal who they are ??

Because I’m
Not sure


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