
your mum.

Ask @leeaahr

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OMG!!! Just saw that "Shane don't want you" thing ! LOL! What's it goto do with anyone anyways fucking hell everyone knows I'd probs get back with you anyday so they can stick it up their arse.xx

Shane Chambers
ahaa xx

Y u so sexy m8 xo

C05 1 f0ll0w3d y0ur m4k3 up tut0r14l, 1t r34lly d035 g1v3 th3 1llu510n y0ur l1p5 4r3 4l0t b1gg3r xo

Whoever said Shane don't want Leah shut up m8,he told me he'd hang Leah on a gym bench so shusahhhhhhbbh ;)

He'd hang me would he;) haha:P

jsssss cause when we went out u was frigid

cool..you should of loved me for who I am not what I was willing to do with you..who are you?


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