
your mum.

Ask @leeaahr

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Who do you think has the biggest boobs out of you shannon leah m chloe sandra lauren ?

Asif you just asked that :L
Just leave:L

City or countryside? What do you prefer?

Both, countryside because its nice and quiet and you have loads of space, but the city as well cause you'll have loads of like shops bear you and stuff and you wont have to travel far.

Your actually better than leah. So whoever the sad bastard writing shit on here is they need to stop she doesnt care what leah thinks about her obviously so just fuck off, leah r is better anyway because atleast she knows the differance between her boobs and her feet Love you leah xxxxxxx


Why doesnt leah like you?

I dont even know ha, ask her and please stop with questions about leah and shelina, would muchly appriciate it:)

Leah thinks its you writing on her ask.fm

Dont give a fuck i know its not me
And concidering her answers come up on my news feed, i can see what shes saying so i dont need a messanger k thanks:)

Leah said you stuff your bras Is it true?

Lolololololol who do you think i am, believe what you like but i know the truth :)

Leah is accusing you of doing that thing in the toilet

Know haha, its pathetic tbh cos im not that sad:L

Ever written anything about someone on the back of a toilet door?

Hahahaha omg lawlll, i know what this is aimed at and doing that is even more pathetic than giving people hate, hahaha its so sad you would have to have no life to be that low tbh:'):L

Ever given hate on here?

Tbh i said one thing to one person when i first got an account..
but its just so pointless what's the point in hiding behind a computer screen putting others down, its pathetic really:L

Why don't you like Leah motley ?

Cos she told us that she wasn't going to be friends with shelina and the furthest their friendship was gonna go was that she would go as far as taking a pen off her if she needed one and the next day shes up shelinas arse,lol.
(don't care if i spelt somthing wrong or if it don't make sense cos some people are sad to pick at it)

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Being the richest person ever and making everyone bow to you when they see you or they will get shot and everyone has to be nice to me or I will also shoot them:)

How good is your eyesight?

One of my eyes is blury when I cover the other up but other than that its good:)


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