
your mum.

Ask @leeaahr

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Would you rather live without TV or music?

Well tv wouldnt be very good with out the music for it on the shows, so rather live without tv.

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

Probly Shannon or someone for her in a situation but name remains anonomus

Do you have any strange phobias?

I cant stand the touch or sound of a certain material, every time i touch or hear someone scratching against it i get shivvers and i have to walk away :( , i hate it so much.

What did you say to jade,sandra,aaron and that melissa girl?

To jade - i said OFF ANON that she cant be a frigid bitch and a slag at the same time
To sandra - i said happy birthday
To aaron - i said he was hot or somthing like that
To melissa - i said that her video was good and it was funny and that and the second melissa answer i said she was pretty (off anon)

Why dont you like leah m or shelina

Leah - because she came to us when she had no one else then when she got her 'friends' back she just left us..
Shelina - i cant even remember haha, i think its cos i fount out she was saying shit about me but dno tbh..

Is it true your writing on leahs ask about shannon?

Omfg i swear i always get the blame for wrighting on her ask when i never actually do n pop-up and i'll munch that box thing where it shows that people have answerd your question because my last one happened to be like 10 hours ago and it wasnt to leah.

Why don you like leah motley or shelina

Tbh i cant even remember haha all i know is they dont like me so i dont like them;)

Ignore the people the paragraph on Leah's wall Shannon said that they don't like eachother so

Ikr hahahaahhha

do you think that shanon is a birch the way she said she don't like leah then look at the paragraph on her wall , hahahaha

go away!

Night, im going to bed now, i hope i will have a dream about you, and me, and us, your perfect baby, i hope one day you notice me, your beautiful <3<3<3

Night x


Language: English