
nicole chan

Ask @leggychan

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Describe everyone in your class?

Okay I'll go by seating arrangement ><
Allison tan - super smart and helpful:)
Junqing - laughs alot super hyper and sporty:p
Elizabeth - whiny but cute and funny :)
Faith - super hyper and loud. Likes sassing shanil. Can be a little annoying sry ><
Kieran - vulgar and super random. Needs to learn to stop borrowing stationary.
Zhiqing- always bullied AHAHA. Has really weird relationships with ppl. Great table mate :)
Yutong - sick minded and always insulting ppl. Big bully eh?
Yuxin and shanil - tons of fun. Quirky and weird in a good way:) #drunkards4eva
Jia Xuan- quiet and smart:)
Hui jun - funny but a little quiet:/
ANG- my twin lol. Super negative that it becomes funny:p likes talking back to teachers.
Rachel- shy and really smart
Zixin - cool:) a little awkward sometimes. Really smart and helpful/kind/funny :D
Hong Ying- really funny and cute:) always makes pedo faces at everyone
Caitlin and Cheryl cat - smart ppl I'm jelly :(
Nicolette- super smart and hardworking. Really funny and cool :)
Jacinta - JAP. super cute lol
Cui Shan- mature and semi nerd ;)
Dianne- walao no words to describe her(ew it's Dianne)
Horn ray- really smart even though he doesn't admit it.
Aj - cute and funny :)
Janice - really caring, kind and all the positive adjectives :')
Clarabelle - funny and mature
Alison ng - fangirls alot. lol really loud when it comes to animated movies and stuff
Chelsea - SELFIE hehe :p
Dexter - smart in math. Goofy as hell
Ruisi - smart and sick minded eh! Really quiet but she's funny:)
Woah sry it's short. Some ppl needa study for science okay.

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Liked by: aj ngjunqing nadia lim

tbh nai cole chan u r super smart like it blows my mind and you are super talented in piano-ing :-) this year we talked much more and you've been a pretty cool pal with your funny but lame jokes and what not and you're overall a great person to hang with :-) plus I hope our sci proj works out cries

LeeYuXin’s Profile Photoyu xin
Pfft what lame AHAHA... Yeah hope so too!
Liked by: Dex ephramm yu xin

list all the songs in ur fav playlist

you and me - life house
Never say never - the fray
Man who can't be moved - the script
Stop and stare - one republic
She will be loved <3 - maroon 5
Lips of an angel - hinder
Liked by: Deme Benedict tjw aj

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Try to understand (and not drift off). Idk use advice from my other friends to help ? Oh id try to change the subject.
Sry I just don't comfort ppl ><
Liked by: ngjunqing nat

Hey Nicole :) Fact 1 - Ur a singer and a good one :) Fact 2 - Ur really pretty and nice Fact 3 - I actually never talked to u b4 :3

Thanks but I'm not a singer :/ (I think you've got the wrong Nicole :p)
Liked by: Nicole ong trishhhh

impersonate ur sch

Like let's say you walk into a classroom.
And you see ppl jamming to songs that are plugged into the speakers
And you see vandalized tables/whiteboards
And you see dancers tying buns
And all that drama
Yeah sota xD
Liked by: aj gabbyxelle

likers get a "if we were to travel to one country what would it be?" : uhmm i'll drag u to go europe with me (: or korea or japan idk we can eat all day (and i just didn't want to say hong kong ahah)

Ahahah we'll drag Ephram to Hk and then fly off to Europe and leave him there ;)
Liked by: ephramm

if we dated you would have to teach me math xD and we would laugh over the stupidest things. mainly Ephram LOL no I'm joking sorry.

AHAHA yeah Ephram.. math D:
Liked by: ephramm aj


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