Ask @lenv4

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what subjects do you wish you had time for/the motivation/the asks for on your blog(s)?

•for neru's blog i just need...motivation to answer stuff tbh....because i love her but. idk man. i've had an answer about calne half-done for like 3 months
•on zunko's blog i wanna talk more about her ahs unit bc i'm really passionate about family relationships and stuff, and im also just really attached to all of them in general. but so far i dont think she's gotten any asks ab them;; i also wish i had an excuse to talk about her backstory
•on flowers blog i think i surprisingly have asks for everything i wanna talk about?? at the moment at least B) if anything i wanna talk about their relationship with iroha but i should probably focuse more on flo themself first tbh ;;

would you ever cosplay your muse?

probably neru and flo but maybe not zunko...bc zunko is a soft mochi and im a skinny pile of bones
i'd get my friend to cosplay zunk and i'd be yukari and we could be the irl zunkaris

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Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

mountain!! it'd be cold and i'd be a bit afraid of being high up but it'd probably be a great place to look at the night sky i think :'^)

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

one time in fourth grade my friend threw a slumber party and during the night i couldnt sleep so i took my friends old gross baby dolls and put them on everybody's faces (including mine) while they slept and i thought it was so hilarious

What's your biggest phobia?

probably being abandoned/ hated/ left alone/ etc... that or making a fool of myself but i guess that ties into being hated idk

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

ive only fallen asleep in school once and when i did i ended up drooling on my math book which is really gross but thankfully this was only like 3rd or 4th grade so i wasnt very phased by it and i just kind of thought it was funny

Do you wear socks in bed?

i used to when i was younger but they always slipped off while i slept somehow and i lost like fIVE PAIRS OF SOCKS IT WAS AWFUL SO NOW I NEVER SLEEP WITH SOCKS EVER

Why did you decide to start an ask blog in the first place And why do you decide to continue it

OH GOSH this is gonna be a long answer but lemme think,,
the first time i made an ask account it was on deviantart and i was like 10 or 11 years old, and it was for my adventure time oc and i think at the time i just did it because it seemed fun? but then i like started meeting all these cool people and characters, and started making more ask accounts and i dont think ive ever had more fun than i did then. and ever since then roleplaying, ask accounts and creating characters are something ive been really passionate about!! sure sometimes i get intimidated by other artists and lack confidence in my drawing and roleplaying skills, but thats the good part about ask blogs; it's motivation for me to do those things more, and the more i do them the more i improve!! and i love portraying characters and developing them and i just... idk. i guess all in all i do it just because i love doing it! and fun fact zunko's blog is like the 10th ask account i've made and it will certainly not be the last

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Liked by: Indie

What was the last argument you had?

i don't remember but three people in a row just answered this saying it was about the dress ans im in such disbelief. please destroy the dress meme. please. it's tearing families apart
Liked by: plumfruit Rivier

Would you rather be rich and famous or poor and happy?

rich and famous, because nothing in the question states that i can't be rich, famous, AND happy B^)

What is your muse(s) biggest insecurity?

zunko's biggest insecurity is the fear that she'll become a burden to the people she cares about. she's not as popular and is a slow learner when it comes to most things, and it doesnt personally bother her but sometimes she gets scared that it'll drag the others down. she's also insecure about how different she is from other zunko models, not really going with and accepting most of her pre-made backstory. she doesn't really think about her insecurities a lot, though. she tries to avoid them as much as possible they make her feel uncomfortable and confused.
neru's insecurity is basically...her entire state of existance i guess? or i guess like herself in comparison to miku? like, she was created from miku, she's supposed to be able to sing and have friends have fun like miku but she doesn't and no matter how hard she tries she'll never be as good. so i guess she's insecure about how unimportant she is, if that makes sense? neru really hates to feel unimportant, which is why she sometimes acts like she's better than everyone else.

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What kind of movies do your muses watch?

hMMM lets see
zunko's favorite kinds of movies are really inspirational true stories with people overcoming their obstacles and stuff, and she also likes cute animated kids movies! i imagine she really likes disney movies. she tries to watch movies that yukari or iroha watch sometimes but when she watches adult movies she either gets distracted or has no idea what's going on,,
neru doesn't really have a taste in movies because no matter what she's watching she'll somehow find something negative to complain about it. and when she does like a movie she'll still get mad at the decisions the characters make and yells at the screen during sappy parts. no one likes to watch movies with her. she's not a good movie person

Will you watch the Oscars?

nah...i never really watch stuff like that....and i feel like i'd be unhappy with all the winners anyway because im a bitter person lel

What's your favorite video game?

i love the ace attorney series and the persona series!!! dangan ronpa is also very good!! i tend to like murder mystery stuff a lot
Liked by: Indie

Headcanons about Kagamines?

mY KAGAMINE HEADCANONS CHANGE A LOT, because i love them so much i have trouble deciding how i would like them best?? especially len my len personality headcanon changes like every day i stg,,, but here are some headcanons that havent changed for me yet B)
•their hair actually looks exactly the sams when they have nothing in it, they just wear their hair differently.
•len wears glasses. megane len is forever, in my heart,,
•while theyre both trouble makers, rin is louder and bolder so she tends to get caught more often and is seen by others as the more mischievous of the two. they also accidentally get eachother in trouble a lot.
•len is so flexible it's scary. he's very good at gymnastics as well as dancing
•rin is absolutely fearless and will do anything you dare her to do. no one can convince her out of doing something once she's set her mind on it.
•len is either more mature than rin or he just acts more mature and is actually a giant weenie. i honestly havent decides yet but i felt like that was important enough to say swe ats
•rin likes to wear masculine clothes a lot and len likes to wear feminine clothes. they are probably genderfluid???
•len unironically likes memes

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