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That's cool πŸ˜„ ..didn't you decide the marriage with your bf?😁

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
What are you Talking about? πŸ˜‚ I’m planning to marry my boyfriend one day but not now

Yeah , they sometimes day we will marry after 2 years , 3 years or at the age of 25 ,26 etc , something like that πŸ˜…

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Yeah I think I can see myself being married in 3 or 4 years. Like around 25

Yes , but I mean the cross of marriage , like when you both seek to marry at const time 😁

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Ah ok, yeah I mean Iβ€˜m not going to propose so it depends on my boyfriend I guess but I’m definitely not ready yet for marriage πŸ˜„ especially because the wedding probably would be hella expensive πŸ˜„

Okay , maybe Germany is different, I mean there isn't economic engineering in Egypt as example πŸ˜…

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Aah okay yeah honestly I don’t know too much about it either because It’s too much math and physics for me hahaha

Physics and math πŸ₯ΊπŸ’š I love your boyfriend πŸ˜‚ because I study electrical engineering, They say Engineers are romantic πŸ₯°

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Yes it also involves Electric stuff too haha. Iβ€˜m glad he knows math cause Iβ€˜m like the worst at it πŸ˜‚

Huh , I lost some some steps πŸ˜‚ I was about to be him πŸ’š, but you know math isn't lucky to know you 😁 ,,, lina Are you kind of girls that expose their bf if they didn't marry her ?πŸ˜ƒ

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Haha No you weren’t πŸ˜‚
What do you mean Expose him?

Yeah, he is lucky 😊..I mean to think to destroy any relationship you want to make if he decided not to marry you πŸ˜„

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
If he decides not to marry me that’s his loss, Iβ€˜m awesome and he knows that πŸ˜‚
But If we would break up because of that reason I wouldn’t care about him anymore or just not keep the contact with him

The sentence "bruh are fucking kidding me " that you used before .. from where ? From film or what ??πŸ˜…

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
I’ve been learning English from Americans on YouTube since I was little and that’s just the slang they use, so I automatically adapted that.
When I talk German to friends or close family I use strong language too, that’s just how I talk in General

Yeah , that's pretty good πŸ˜„ , German + strong language from you it will be something awesome, thanks to you , I am not distracted now ..I will learn german 😁

prosaeed0348’s Profile PhotoPro_saeed
Great haha

Language: English