

What others replied to:

Nothing wrong with being a dork. More doors open up for intelligent people. Better to be intelligent and an outcast, than popular and dumber than a box of rocks. Once you graduate high school, your popularity goes bye bye, and you’re still dumber than a box of rocks

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Agree with this post VERY MUCH 💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏
Exactly my thoughts 💯💯💯💯
In Highschool I was NEVER a popular person and NEVER wanted to be 😌😌
I always focused on my studies, did my homework, reading historical ancient Egyptian books at the school library, being with friends and family that's all I did. Intelligent and self respect than popularity and poser. Thank God
Nothing wrong with being a dork More doors open up for intelligent people Better

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