
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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When will the world end?

it ends when humanity ends.
and you know it's coming up pretty close.
open wide, sweethearts.

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Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions?

screw resolutions; i'm accepting whatever 2016 has in store for me with a big heart.

Do you like high heels?

I do. But they make me look like an unapproachable being that is almost as tall as hell's gates (i have a love-hate relationship with my height)

What will be the most powerful nation in 100 years?

the fire nation i will someday build and expand throughout planet earth along with my pet dragon

What books do you plan to read?

Oh man. Well let's see:
- The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
- The Book of Love by Rumi
- Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
- On Seeing and Noticing by Alain de Botton
- Mountains of the Moon by I.J. Kay
- Lives of Girls and Women by Alice Munro
- Against Love: A Polemic by Laura Kipnis
- Vermilion by Z.L Melton

What countries have you visited?

Spain, some parts of the US, some parts of the UK, France, Japan, Tokyo, South Korea, Netherlands

Met aliran seni kubisme mempengaruhi arsitektur le corbusier ga? Tolong jawab serius ya met thanks banget nih. Dan kalo boleh tolong kasih link journal atau artikel ttg itu dong

Wah males bgt dek coba dicari sendiri ya saya mau liburan dari dunia arsitektur dulu

Who inspires you?

Currently: Stephen Mackey. He is a wonderful genius; for those of you who haven't looked him up yet, please do! It is very fulfilling to the eyes.
Who inspires you

How can you be motivated?

I am strangely only motivated when I get really angry or when I'm trying to prove a point

Good morning! Can you do me a favor and follow these instructions? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale, and open your eyes. Surprise! The world still sucks. Have a great day!......question? None! Use this chance to do anything you want. 😆

I'll use this for a chance to post this pic
i need shain erin's morbid art dolls
Good morning Can you do me a favor and follow these instructions Close your eyes

Target nilai SPA sekarang berapa? Nilai realistis SPA setelah pengumpulan berapa?

Target mah A- but it's like wishing I was suddenly a foreign boy. Jadi, realistisnya (bismillah) B. Gatau deng

What do you think about marriage?

I think they're okay. Not on top of my priority list, but they're beautiful in a way. But they're also really scary.. so.

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

it means that he's done for the day and done for eternity

Who is the greatest cook you know? What do they make?

jessica lange cus have you seen how burnt the other bitches were

What's one thing most people don't know about you?

They don't know that I'm actually, secretly,... a witch. I cast mega hexes.

Which terrifies you more, the past, the present, or the future?

Obviously the future. I figured out that yesterday's ghosts can be dealt with; even when they sting the most.

Pick 1 diantara dua pertanyaan dibawah ini : a. Pernah pingsan gak? rasanya gimana sih? b. Pernah kesurupan gak? rasanya gimana sih? (dari seseorang yang belum pernah kesurupan dan pingsan)

Sejujurnya saya juga nggak pernah; tapi kesurupan waktu nonton Bombay Bicycle Club pernah sih kalo itu keitung.
Liked by: GagasPrayuko

kok cepet amat balesnya? :( gak takbiran kak? mudik ke bandung gak? haha ke unpar. met lebaran mai!!! senangnya hari pertama syawal di ask bebe

Nabila Qatrunnada
WAH SAYA MERASA SANGAT SPESYAL!!!! btw gue emg ke bandung :( bosen liat tembok bebatuan depan Yogya. med lebaran bhebhe_xx

kak kok questionnya bahasa inggris semua? KAAKAK BULE YHA???

saya juga kurang paham karena bukan kendali saya settingan bahasa yg nanya bahasa inggris


Language: English