
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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Who would you rather be, someone awkward that you've known for a long time who resembles your ex or your ex?

I don't think I get the question....?

I think... the word you meant to say was adulthood. Because adultery means.. zinah. 🙈

you're right! ahaha i get ridiculously dumb; forgive me.

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

The invention of an on/off button that functions in a human organ.

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how can you be happy and still doing your job well? considering you don't really like your job/the major you're taking in college. please answer. thx.

"if you can't be with the one you love,
love the one you're with"
but i don't really agree that it applies to everyone. i guess happiness has a lot to do with what you do daily; therefore i think you should consider whether or not you're able to try to love what you do along the way / or whether or not if it's better for you to try and find something else you're more into. either way, i really do hope you get to do what you love- it helps a lot on achieving contentment.
Liked by: Fika

How would you describe your style?

basically basic and no fun bcs all i wear is either black or grey

What do you think is the new online trend right now?

spreading words of wisdom whilst totally sucking at it irl

Who are your enemies?

the beasts that come out at night mumbling words of considerations to my ears reminding me how i haven't achieved anything in my life big deal

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

my spirit and reality bfd

I would rather live without music than without you, Maitrikka..

well that's a shame. now go find some good music, you're missing out on a lot.

Would you rather live without TV or music?

TV. I have a telly in my room that I haven't tinkered with for more than 2 weeks.

What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

I felt a huge relief when life taught me that you are your own guardian.

What do you usually do on your spare time?

i read / draw / sing horrible karaoke. here's what i've been focusing on though :
What do you usually do on your spare time

share us some tips on how to be as cool as you mai! ;)

im a loser but here you go a phrase to live by
share us some tips on how to be as cool as you mai

Oh jadi Tulus tuh selama ini Maitri.

Jangan kaget kalo tiba2 'Tulus' ganti branding jadi 'Maitri' karena itu sah - sah aja.

kak describe temen kakak yg namanya raif itu dong

kebetulan lagi sama dia sekarang. satu kata aja sih: mure.
Liked by: boc

kak, aku kan pengen sekolah di ars unpar, tapi aku sekarang juga jualan bakso tahoe gorenk alias batagor, kira2 aku masih bisa jualan gak ya sambil sekolah? ohiya warung batagor aku 27jam bukanya kayak gembul gitu, makasih

cukup menarik

Ayam ayam ayam bebek... Bebek bebek bebek ayam.. Ayam dipatok bebek bebek dipatok ayam ayam bebek PATOK PATOKAN

hsst jangan ngomong jorok

ku ingin bicara padanya tapi ku tak kuasa berkata tentang isi hatiku padanya. jadi kemanakah si bibi pergi?

si bibi ke pasar nanya kembang kol karena dia BERKATA JUJUR


Language: English