
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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Apa yang kamu lakukan ketika seseorang yang kamu suka, dan itu adalah temanmu sendiri, namun tiba-tiba dia memutuskan hubungan / kontak denganmu.. tanpa alasan yang jelas? Dan dia pun memblock nomor kamu, whatsap/line/snapchat/etc.. seolah2 dia pergi.. will u contact him again then?

well ain't that a douchy move. i'd probably ask him what the heck's going on cause he does owe you some explanation, seeing as you two were friends before. if he then gives you the weakest excuse, then i'd say good riddance. you don't just give your time away to people not owning up to their recklessness. you deserve better.
Liked by: Agatha

Menurutmu, gimana sih cara mengatasi cemburu yg berlebihan? Misal, kita udah deket bgt sm 1 customer, bahkan udah pernah jalan bareng, etc (di luar kerjaan). Trus, ada tmn kita satu divisi yg kebetulan sempat menangani customer yg sama. Ntah knp kesel aja ya lihat tmn yg ganjen sm customer ini?! :|

Saya bingung, ini customer apa ya tolong jelaskan.

Kak, bagaimana menurut mu cewe seperti apa yang mau aja dipegang, diraba, bahkan disentuh alat kelaminnya oleh yang bukan pasangannya? Atau dengan orang yang udah berkeluarga?

Man, I don't get to put a right or wrong to other people's life choices. And as a fellow female, I have absolutely no right to degrade another woman's actions.
Literally everyone has their own demons to battle, their own struggles to hold down in extremely various ways. I don't get to say "hey, that's fucked up" or "hey, you should know better". But I do get to say that I don't stand for that sort of behavior. Namun, cewek "seperti itu" nggak bisa disebut "apapun itu" karena ya mereka hanya perempuan. Perempuan adalah perempuan dan perempuan adalah manusia. You have no idea how much women and earth have to tolerate all these years.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

Don't try to be the best human on the planet. Just be the best version of yourself, and that is the part of you that chooses life. That's it. Always choose life.
Liked by: Agatha

What do you do when you don't know the answer?

I pretend like I do and I mostly get it right somehow hey don't ask me

Would you change for someone you love?

I'm comfortable with compromise, but I won't change where I stand on things. Especially love wise.

Do you have any cool nicknames?

People usually struggle giving me one. They end up not calling me anything at all.

If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?

Raw human flesh. And salmon. Just because it has nothing to do with each other and salmon is great.

What have been the most important decisions in your life?

The decision of what I was going to do, who I was going to be, what I should not be doing, and who I was going to be-friend.

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

Probably noone. I'm glad for each and every person that I've ran across to in various stages of my life. In the end, people play certain parts in your story and they build you. Character is essential.
Liked by: pache


Language: English