
Michael Anissimov

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I've engaged w/ it all right. I've probed the depths of human depravity on the nets and in real life, up close. This, pardon me, shit is not going to change and it's not going to go away. I stopped engaging with it just because it wasn't—never had and never would be—doing me or anyone else any good.

"shit" always changes, that's ridiculous.

"I write about futurism and H+ all day" That is *so* reassuring; thanks for clearing that up. That's exactly what you should be doing: getting paid for doing what you do best. Your Twitter OTOH, even though it's unarguably all valid and uncolored (no pun), is like a nightmare because the topic is.

Probably because you're an overly-sensitive person about the issues that the dominant thrust of culture tells you to be sensitive about. Nearly every nerd I've met is just like that. He ignores important issues because they're difficult, calls them "shit," and so on.
It's not a nightmare, your INABILITY TO ENGAGE WITH IT is the nightmare.

Your H+ inspired me to work on engineering a better future, not kidding. I'll never leave the beautiful mental space. This shit can't inspire shit because it's about shit. I get it: you saw the gross injustices and falsehoods being propagated, the future being stolen and f'd up, and got sucked in.

I'm not "sucked in," this is a completely rational choice. "Shit" is your nerdy hand-waving away of any issues that don't comport with your narrow personal interests.

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The future is built out of better abstractions, not by being aware of crazy shit that barely sentient primate hordes do—and won't ever stop doing. Don't waste your highly developed and informed mind on things and ideas that could have happened—and did—millennia ago. We're living in unique times.

Yes, I am responding to the uniqueness of these times. I'm not even sure what you're talking about, you need to be more specific. Also, I write about futurism and H+ all day, it's just going into a book rather than a blog. Which is better, because people will have to pay for it, instead of taking my time in exchange for nothing when it comes to blogging. Blogging is just a way for you people to get free analysis without paying for it, which is what you should be doing.

"So I can focus on abstractions with no connection to the real world?" Not all abstractions are disconnected. Engineering and science analysis is full of that. The real world is built out of a tall tower of abstractions. Real world stays hell whether you observe it or not. The future needs thought.

Pay me

*LOVE* reading your H+; some of the most insightful, thorough and balanced treatises ever. But now This. Suppose you're doing the world an indispensable service by applying your mental energies to pointing out the obvious ways we profoundly fail at civilization? This is baseline human—you're not.

I do what is obviously most useful to do, I'm not a spring chicken, I understand expected utility inside and out. If you love reading my H+ writing so much, will you pay for it to be written?

"It's my life" I hope you regain control of it. It's a relief to know you're still with the future. But godDamn: that is some depressing basic human shit you've got your mental space entangled and soiled with. IGNORE-IGNORE-IGNORE. ABORT-ABORT-ABORT. As you've tweeted in so many ways: fuck that shit

So I can focus on abstractions with no connection to the real world?

You're just repeating the obvious. You've made your point already. The world doesn't need *you* telling them that you, too, realize the many ways humankind is flawed and that bad shit happens and it's allowed to. There's a far richer mental life *you* can live, they can't. Leave this steaming pile.

1) My mental life is plenty rich, 2) All this can mean is "shut up and don't talk on the Internet," to which my answer is no.

You see how the brutes are dragging you down to their level, don't you? You won't win even if you win the arguments. You've already lost if you engaged with their insensate baseline primate grunting. Look at yourself, man, where are you? Not executing a winning life strategy —Knew you at SingInst 8(

It's my life, friend. I'm writing a whole book about global risk, give me a break

Why don't you make your peace with the fact that you're mentally superior to almost everyone who's ever lived and will live in the foreseeable future, and you can't do anything about it. Why waste another neuron on the ugly mental space of clueless primitives that is the 99%? Get back to the future.

That's very flattering but no

"At some point there will be a Happening, it's just a matter of time." has a sense of inevitability. Is there something you think could precipitate this eventuality? Or will it be a matter of slow simmering over decades until civilized ppl finally get fed up and say "enough," reversing the course?

I have no idea

I think you're right and that's pretty much all I have to say on this. What has to get done to take this thing big time; to persuade the masses that there's a better way? Is there any plan? Concrete steps? Or is it just going to be more of this low-intensity memewar until the robots take over?

There's a million things to do, there won't be a low-intensity memewar until robots. At some point there will be a Happening, it's just a matter of time. It would be nice to get a lot of things in place before then, give ourselves an advantage. In 2043 whites will become a minority in the United States, that will change things in a big way. There could be major changes well before then, though. A lot of it depends on the state on the economy and who is in office. More Democrat Presidents is good for us because it frustrates the GOP into jumping ship.

I appreciate the accuracy of your views regarding reality and the future. Don't you think there's some room left optimizing their propagation? What other channels do you employ in getting the message out besides tweetage? What more and better could you do? How much funding would help?

Thanks. You can donate to MoreRight.net, there's a donate button on the site, any amount frees up my time for more writing, even like $20. If I raised enough money I could write full time. I may form a non-profit next year and try to raise money for that. Besides Twitter the official channel is More Right. There's a lot more I could do, it's all about the $$$.

Each day every human being either 1) advances humanity or 0) doesn't—or worse. Isn't that the only bit of significance that matters in the long-term—the Grand Game our species is playing, each of us, moment by moment in small steps of historical consequence or not—the only thing worth caring about?

you're basically ranting your ass off and boring me to death here

In order to win the game you want to win, you must not play the game that other people have set up. You must set up your own game and play it by your own rules. I think there's too much playing—and just reacting to—other people's (inherited) games and not enough of setting up our own game. Agree?

uhhh I guess

"why do I get the feeling you're going to just disappear forever?" Maybe you're a psychic, maybe experienced enough in human interaction. I'm long-term busy mentally: deep in R&D&E. But I'm in your boat—there's no other in sight that isn't sinking. Perhaps email so I won't fade?

I don't email

I'm happy people like you actually exist. It's obvious that history and the future of humanity—stability, progress and happiness—is on your side. On the other side: retrograde futility. Yet it seems some people think you're not one of the good guys. What is it they don't get, what is their problem?

I dunno. You seem so enthusiastic right now, but why do I get the feeling you're going to just disappear forever after a few days?

Thinking of the future realistically cannot ignore tradition; it has always been the foundation of progress. You surely have managed to pull a few people up, at least me, from the slumber and degeneracy of modernity. What events and authors raised your thinking to this level and depth of concern?

1) Moldbug, 2) Steve Sailer, 3) Evola, 4) HBD chick and Jayman

To exist, a civilization requires depth, in thinking, and especially, in time. The only other thing that is deep enough for sustaining and advancing it, is tradition and its timeless values, as true today—and violable only at your peril—as ever. Is this a correct understanding of your position?


Can you think of reasons why people find these ideas incompatible with their worldview? Maybe one: if all they can do is contribute to stagnation and degeneracy surely they are never going to find such ideas aspirational and are beyond helping; maybe it's built in. Isn't it best to just ignore them?


Bringing attention and finding solutions to age-old problems of the human condition through advances in science and technology combined with traditional, proven, stable, highly evolved timeless values. Does this characterize you—is there more? Seems just rationality taken to its logical conclusion.

yes, this is me. it's simple as hell but 99.99% of everyone doesn't get it

NRx writing online is spread over so many blogs, it surely suffers fragmentation and duplication. Do you think it might be worthwhile to tie it together somehow with a single point of entry and a sensible hierarchy, so a newcomer could read the basics first and branch out to the details?

William Frisby
neoreactionary canon

Are you an “intellectualist”; an equal opportunity ignorer—and when deserved, disparager—of those of lesser intellect and lower culturedness regardless of their ethnicity and other physical, non-mental attributes? Or is there something that better characterizes you?

Mostly this, yes. I'm not particularly racist on a personal level, I just acknowledge what I see as the realities of group dynamics w.r.t. race.

Since WW2 everything—except scientific progress, which happily and cozily lives secluded in a parallel universe of its own—has been on the decline, going down the drain. Our ancestors would wail and gnash their teeth. What the hell happened? Why? How can this crime on civilization be reversed?

That's what the whole reactionary/neoreactionary community is about, you should follow more people like that on Twitter, like Anti-Democracy Blog.

"Did you just discover me...?" I think I discovered Anissimov 2.0; I hadn't read anything by you in a while. What happened to (Ac/De]celerating Future? Future/tech/H+ still occupying your neurons? Where do you post that stuff? I find your arguing as lucid and biting as ever, regardless of topic.

Thanks. I stopped caring about AF and don't think many people care about it enough. Not enough return for the effort. Yeah, future/tech/H+ always occupies my thoughts and I stay up to speed with the latest advances. I don't post it. If I create another futuretech type site it will be only for financial gain and for no other reason. I'm writing a book on global risks right which is very heavy on the science and tech and will continue to build my reputation in that arena.

What would you do with an annual budget of $1000B? Found and fund a new nation state perhaps? A prototype, one with which you could demonstrate to the rest of the world how civilization can be organized to run nicely with none of the downsides of democratic (or other kinds of) governance.


If you'd lived in a homoethnic country—where you rarely even see other ethnicities let alone interact with them involuntarily—would that be how you'd want to keep it? The inevitability of homoethnic coalescence (see ethnic maps of cities) in multiethnics like the U.S. seems to suggest "Yes, please."

Did you just discover me or something?

You correctly observed the 'weaponization of sensitivity': "[20 yrs ago] sensitive people were just sensitive, they didn't have an elaborate worldview to weaponize their sensitivity." "Everyone on Tumblr seems constantly anxious, triggered, depressed, weak, and suicidal." Is the Internet to blame?

The internet magnifies polarization, but I'd say that the Frankfurt School and the radical feminists are to blame.

Humans have always put distance between themselves and those seen as too different—the progression from tribes to its ultimate expression, nation states. In 1/2 a century of mass immigration all that natural progress toward homoethnic stability is being artificially reversed. What's going to happen?

Nothing good, kid

Successful democracies are highly homoethnic. Immigrant ethnicities regularly use democracy against the original populace to serve themselves only. Therefore, do you agree that democracy does not produce as good outcomes (stability, progress) in a multiethnic country as it does in a homoethnic one?

Successful anything is highly homoethnic. Multiethnic anything usually slows down progress. Regardless of democracy or otherwise.

You say "Any civilization can produce "good results," including a democratic one." Then why get rid of democracy if it's working alright? Or are you saying that the problem is people who are uncivilized, unprincipled, uncultured, untraditional, etc., i.e., degenerate, not democracy?

It's a matter of degree. Democracy causes slow decline which ultimately ends in collapse if it is not checked. The problem is both. I would be stupid if I said that the West hadn't produced good results in the last 200 years of democracy, they're just less than I would expect if it were organic.

Do you believe that multiple ethnicities in a democracy are incompatible with the idea of democracy because there is no single demos, the people; they're unwilling to contribute to other ethnicities' goals, and work against them, due to different skills, values, and culture; states within a state?

Nope, a bunch of competing ethnicities is exactly what I think of what I think of democracy. They're totally compatible.

Did democracy ever work/could still produce good results in 99.9% homoethnic (and high IQ) countries?

Any civilization can produce "good results," including a democratic one.

Plato argues that only Kallipolis, an aristocracy led by the unwilling philosopher-kings (the wisest men), is a just form of government. Do you agree?

Nah, not the "only". I think of justice more as forbidding negative actions than exclusively endorsing narrow positive ones.

Are you afraid that Western civilization is doomed? I'm terrified.

I think I'm less afraid that most reactionaries (things seem to be slowly turning around in Europe), but I'm still somewhat concerned.

Do you ever fear your current NRx ideology is merely immature disillusionment, a poorly grasped anxiety regarding the world, which will seem very silly when, or if, your intellect matures in ten or more years?

No. You have the balls to make this statement, but would run in fear if I challenged you to a public debate that addressed the points in detail.

Do you agree with Shakespeare when he said `There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face`, or can you tell someone's personality from their facial features?

The latter

The Right Stuff defines a "Postatheist" as: "A person who, while rejecting the idea of religiousness, accepts that narrative is inevitable. Sees explicit antipathy towards religiousness as itself a religion." Does that more or less accurately describe your own situation?

antidem’s Profile PhotoAntiDem
Nah, I don't see explicit antipathy towards religion as a religion. I don't "reject the idea of religiousness," per se. I just think that the particular god as described in the Bible does not exist.

That definitely answered my question. So i can use this as a rebuttal when a degenerate uses the "muh freedom" argument.


"... unless you can prove you aren't diabetes boy. " Nigga what? No. I'm just some Puerto Rican dude from New York, degeneracy capital of the country. New York is one of the wealthiest cities in America and leftism is absolutely rampant. I'm wondering if degeneracy leads to collapse or vice versa.

Degeneracy is both a symptom and a cause of collapse. People have a choice in how they behave. If they behave poorly, they accelerate collapse: social, cultural, moral, demographic. Through an act of will, we choose low time-preference behaviors over high time-preference behaviors, we build a better civilization. Any individual or group can choose to do this immediately, overnight, if they understand the target and have the motivation to reach it. This is why decline/decay, etc., is NOT predetermined. Rather, the blame for collapse falls on those participating in it, whether consciously or subconsciously.
There is a connection between wealth and decadence, which has been observed many times in history, including in the ancient world. This essay from a Christian website summarizes the overall issue well: http://www.leaderu.com/common/nationsdie.html

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