
❥ Demon King

20facts about you!

Why so many.........And why must in eigo too? ;;;
1. around 150cm tall
2. Loving spicy foods
3. 24 this year ////
4. MOMOIRO CLOVER Z BIG FAN. KANAKO OSHI. But can't say imma mononofu because haven't been to any of their concert T_T
5. Fujo,
6. but I love oneesan with big oppai tho ( ・ัω・ั )
7. SasuNaru foreverevereverever ultimate OTP
8. うちはサスケ大大大ダイスキです(*´ω`*) UCHIHA FTW.
9. Whenever I had a thrush, it never lasts more than 12 hours
10. So much into mint flavored desserts and beverage <3 tergolong langka. Dunia dikuasai matcha ;;;
11. First child. The only daughter.
12. White hair, red eyes and psycho-ness combined is my ultimate cosbait
13. .....I admit that imma bit psycho. A BIT.
14. Baru belajar bagi suara pas pertama gabung @Akiba_Street
15. Heavy panda-eyed lmao
16. Have a bad habit of peeling my lips' skin till it bleed when its dry and chapped
17. I consider myself quite a considerate person
18. always attracted to black-haired male anime character
19. Lip-girl. Especially lip-tint. Most especially water tint..
20. Favorite colour, Red :)

Latest answers from ❥ Demon King

Wheeee mbak mao gambarnya bagus eee :)) anak iclass siapa yg nggak bisa nggambar mbak?

Nggak ada! hahaha

What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

With mom. About ovaltine and milo, and which is better......

well. i started with rasengan so i must be naruto, and you started with chidori so you must be sasuke, and now we have to kiss.(just kidding on the last part)

then I'm gonna leave and you'll have to chase around telling me to go home XDD

Kak Mao aq bisa jadi ototounya kakak? Plak :p

waduh. udah punya dua nih. tapi kalo bs dibully gapapa dah haha

Apakah anda sudah behenti cosplay? Jarang sekali saya lihat mbak nya cosplay

Wew belum. Utang project masi banyak kakak hahah

Language: English