
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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HAHAHAHAA before you expect anything, it's a fresh/fashion/haute couture blog so don't expect any humour. dreaminginpumps.co.vu

hi marie!!!! love how u create those outfits on ur blog n all tt!!^.^ like the necklace n all hahas u shld do more makeup stuff!!!:) also love how u do ur makeup! sooooo pretty *.*

HAHAHAHA aw thanks:-) yes will definitely try to do some makeup things soon;-) thaaanksss this made my day so much better <3 and who are you!! HAHAHAHA really want to know!!

heard tt u play guitar! do u think ur good

Haha yes wouldn't say I'm gifted or anything bc tbh I actually used to practise a lot. Especially for SYF.

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where to buy nyx lipsticks and how much usually?

You can find them at sephora, (not sure if all outlets have NYX) price ranges from $9 - $12 if I'm not wrong :-)

wow can you do a tutorial on how to use the pearls?

Hahaha there's no need to do a tutorial on that!:-) just apply it like normal blush:-)

u went shopping jus now? where did you buy the pearls:)

Hahaha yep!! Just a mini shopping spree. Bought at west mall's guardian :-)

but will u reopen your bs

Yes, definitely will:-) Looking forward to officially reopening my blogshop.

Why don't u reply all ur asks:(

Bc either I've already answered them like, more than twice, or it's all just not very nice asks alr lor:/

Well whoever he is he is smart. So you admit youre in a relationship

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA LAUGHING. Hey Chris someone thinks you're smart. That's the first I've heard :') GAHAHAHAHAHAH jk chris don't cry lololol
Liked by: Chris-stop-her.

Who is chris?

Someone who puts 2 people together in a relationship as a hobby. Pretty self explanatory that he needs a new hobby.

A box of love for you --> [<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3]

Aw thank you I love receiving love :D Here's a box of love for u too ;-) [<3<3<3<3<3<3<33333]

so if i use #m07 i can get discount??

Yes, at carousell.co/sabinecabana :-) PS quote only valid until mid august!!

y do u blog dont u hv o's...

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have O's but I am perfectly capable of balancing out blogging and studying.

i think ur fashion sense is weird sometjmes stop trying so hard

Trying hard?! Lmao let me have my own style. I like what I'm wearing on my body and the body is mine even if I wear a tree YOU CanT STOP ME BC ITS MY BODY and if you don't like it then TOO BAD
Liked by: andrea

Then why don't you talk to them again? Since like, you know you wanna know how they're doing! But anyway I had this guy which I really liked, we were like super close and all but we became nothing when he got a girlfriend

Well, first off, I changed my phone last year and lost all my contacts HAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA. So most if the people I miss talking to, I don't have their number anyway.
Ah I see:-( Well, things can happen. But how exactly did you two stop talking?>_< Did you try talking to him again?:O

why do you admit that you shave down there? shouldnt that be private? lol

Wtf?! Since when?! Wtf...

((I asked u to post the other toilet pic oi)) AND HELLO ANON MARIE IS NOT FAT+ SHE CAN PUT WHATEVER SHE WANTS ON HER FACE she alr puts a lot less make up than most people ok pls and she looks nice in make up so why should she stop just bc you don't like it?:(((

Berlin Hiu
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOPS SORRY BER HAHAHAHAHHhaha at least never post the peace sign one! Close enough BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks bby love u :* *hearts x100000000*
Liked by: Berlin Hiu

You arent fat! That anon talking crap, you look nice just like this :) and even w/o makeup but you Look even nicer with it *heart shaped eyes*

HAHAHAHA thanks dear:-) omg so sweet I wanna know who you are!!!! Who are you pls tell me HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *heart shaped eyes back at you;-)*

Have you had someone whom you used to talked to everyday and now you don't. Cause I do :(

Yes I do:-( Many actually. It is sort of unfortunate to be unable to chat with them as much, and sometimes you look back and wonder how they are doing. Anyway, it's okay if you do have these kind of people in your life because sometimes, it's just better to move along:-) I believe that there is a good reason that that particular person is no longer close ;-)

where were you and who is that?

HAHAHAAHA I was at cine! The one in my ootd is my church friend, Berlin :-)

u actually shldnt use so much makeup its sooooooo fake -.-

I don't get it. With or without makeup, people are not happy. How am I supposed to please the whole world? Besides, I also enjoy using makeup. Not just for the sake of looking better. I actually genuinely enjoy experimenting with different kinds of makeup products.


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