
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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marieeeee!!!! you did not do the eyeliner post thingy :(((


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did you ever get into a fight with your bf

Um not really actually. He's really sweet la cannot argue with him ❤️

Do people every judge you because you accept sponsorships?

Err not sure bc they don't say it in my face but there's bound to be one or two who judge right? After all we don't live in an ideal world

Who is the happiest person on the world?

Me bc bf makes me the happiest person on earth (wow cheesy much ok bye but it tru)

why is it when i put eos lipbalm at times my lips will be more flaky and dry?

Maybe the EOS Lipbalm isn't hydrating enough for your lips! You should probably get a more hydrating one. I recommend Nivea hydrocare or essential care lip balm:-) those are really good!! Also if your lips are flaky, try using a lip scrub?:-)

are you buying any mac lipstick soon?

Mac is kinda ex :-(( so probs only when I start working after O's!!:-)

OH FUCK THAT CRACK OMG, all the feels. Do you still have apple care on it?

Yes shit that crack man :-((( HAHAHAHAAHA no me is sad and wants to cry :-( HAHAHAAHHAHAHAA shit I have to get it repaiRED

[Likers get TBH&SSM] TBH you scream damn loud,like omfg my ears can break. Hahah! But you're a cool senior and all the best for your prelims and EOY! SSM: Dominic chuan hao and Wesley haha

Feline Koh
HAHAHAHAHAAHHhahahhaaha thANKS must help lead guitar properly ok AHAHAHA oh shit why u give me those three shit heads can I kill all of them pls -__________-
Liked by: Valeriek Feline Koh

hais thanks marie for listening to me rant

HAHAHAHA no problem anon!!! If you need anything I can always be your listening ear;-) I probably won't give the best advice in the world but I'll do what I can:-)

Yea its super weird like hello i thought only the 2 of us were gg. And then when i am like eh if not i bring my friend alsola then u bring ur friend so like none of us gets awkward. Then she says "huh if ur friend come then it will be awks" LIKE SO IF UR fren COME NOT AWKS FOR ME?!?

LOL OMG I want to kill her now SERIOUSLY?! Helloooo?! I totally get what u mean man I feel so angry for u ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ten just tell her straight man "then u bring ur friend not awkward ah?" LOL THIS KIND OF COMMON SENSE PPL ALSO DONT HAVE AHAHAHAAHAHA omg I'm so mad rn ahahahahahaahahaha

No no no her other friends are not my friends. Her other friends ok lets name them B. B are rather popular on ig, like i said, i think u follow some of them.

Aaahhhhh I see. So she keeps telling you she don't like some of then but still keep sucking up to them?:O that's like really weird... I really think she just wants to be popular or something lolol

Friends in the whatsapp grp like jie and stuff. Also, we had arranged to go to somewhere together and she was like "ok i see whether <friends name> can go or not" AND IM LIKE HUH I was supposed to go w u and not u and her and idek her friend personally like i know of her existence but not personally

Ummmm that's just weird lol:/ ask her "I thought it's the both of us only? Hahaha I don't really know her leh :/" or something like that hahaha anyway if you need a friend you can always come to me ^^

and like i think no offence but i think she rly craves 4 popularity and the grp that she is included in, there are like popular ppl (you prob know some of them but i dont wanna say bc it'll be really obv) and now she keeps on telling me abt them. I dont feel significant anymore. She calls her

Then I guess it's bc the friends are popular so even though she doesn't really like them she still suck up or something>_< Maybe try to have a talk with your other friends?:-) but then again they might not understand bc they might think that she's actually really nice and you're jealous of her so it might be a be a backfire :/

Yea my fren isnt THAT popular compared to the girl that i follow. Me and my fren were really tight at first but then in the past week i just keep feeling that we are drifting away bc tbh my fren is kinda popular like she has 3k+ on ig so i guess we started "drifting" when she got included into a

So basically she was close to you at first then she became closer to your other friends and now you guys are drifting apart??:-( did your other friends ever say what they think of her??:O

And im like wtf is wrong wif u i thought u said u didnt really like her and that she isnt rly pretty. Then u still go & follow her and comment on her pictures??? I seriously dont get it and im kinda pissed bc she is also obv trying to get close to all of my friends. What should i do i feel so ugh

Aaaah I see. She sounds like a hypocrite from what I'm hearing :/ Like one of those people who don't like a lot of other ppl but always suck up to them bc she's not that popular:/ frankly I think she's just jealous. Maybe ask her why she's doing this??

So i hv dis fren she is kinda annoying bc she keeps wanting to get close to my friends and idk why. There's this girl i follow on ig and she is an inspiration to me and at first my friend said she isnt pretty, but then when i looked at the girl's photo, my friend went to comment on it and ........

Oh no:-( how is she annoying to you?? Does she treat you as nice as your friends?? Maybe she's trying to make more friends:-) well, we wouldn't know! But does she treat you the same way she treats those other friends??:O

do u hv any followers on ur blog

Umm idk which blog you're talking about but all my blogs have follower(s)

how would u use the coloured eyeliner that u bought yesterday??

I like to use coloured liner on my lower lash line:-) gonna use it this Saturday!!

How is it like to maintain a blog?? Is it very hard??

Not sure how to answer this haahhaa but I guess it's pretty okay. It's just that sometimes it's difficult because there are just those weeks you don't feel like doing a shit but you still want to post regularly so you just try and sit down and think of something! For me at least! I used to post very irregularly.

what do u plan to work as like an actual job? i mean u cant possibly be simply a blogger right i mean thats kinda stupid lol

Possibilities are wardrobe stylist and makeup artist but I'm still very unsure. Idk I've always kinda wanted to work in stores like benefit or MAC or Bobbi Brown or even Dior. Also going to run my blogshop and I really hope to have my own line of clothes and makeup in future. And yes, I will still continue blogging and will vlog in the future. It may sound "stupid" to you but it's not to me. It's what I like doing and my parents, I know, aren't fully supportive of me doing it but well, I don't think it's hurting anyone, is it?

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

Oh it's not just one year it's got to be every year before this year.

so do u have a fave brand for eyeshadow?:)

YEPS!!!! I really like Urban Decay's ones!! I use the naked 3 a ton!! Can't wait to get my hands on naked basics and electric palette!:-) not planning to get basics 2 atm bc I don't think I need them rn!! And also maybelline's colour tattoos are the bomb. I'm planning to get more NYX jumbo eye pencils too bc they're actually really awesome!!!

whats ur fave brand for lips?:) haha its either nyx or benefit right

It's got to be nyx!!:-) the pigmentation, quality is incredible + the price is very affordable HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA that's probs why I can afford so many NYX lipsticks! If you notice, none of my lip products are high end brands. All are from the drugstore (watsons/guardian) or high street (sephora -- and quite a few only)! I prefer to splurge more on foundation :-) benefit is more pricey and the benefit lipglosses I own were a Christmas present!:-)

how do you earn the money to buy things since u say you u dont depend on your parents?

Mostly from my blogshop, some saved from allowance :-) but ofc I still depend on my parents for allowance!! I hope to stop depending on them for allowance by poly though

what makeup do you put it in your bag to bring out?

Usually just lip balm but if I have a long day and feel like I'll need to touch up, then usually my concealer and powder too!

Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

Err just the black dress I wore yesterday actually HAHAHA really trying to stop but sometimES MY FINGERS ITCH TO GET SOMe moRE CLOTHES HAHAHAHA do you feel me? Please tell me I'm not the only one!!


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