
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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(likers get description) makeup and fashion expert, pretty, fierceeeee

HAHAHHAHAA aw thanks Val ❤️ hello I'm only fierce when u guys are being foolish HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA u idiots HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Liked by: Valeriek

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✨Imitation✨ GUYS!! Can you all just shut up? Cutie Don't make me scream Is there cca today? Awwww *sarcastically* sureee What Omg Excuse you I'm kidding


best feature: hair and smile

AWWW yay thanks!!:-) ps I love your eyes and hair!!! Actually i love your whole face!! You're gorgeous AHAHAHAHAJAJAJAAJ (don't mind me I have girl crushes sometimes HAHAHAHA) x

tbh youre really pretty and i love the way you dress omg haha you seem quite nice from that one time we talked(idk if you remember heh) last long with your boyfriend!!

Hui Lin
Awwwww OMG thanks this made my day!!!!!:') I think you're really really nice too!!! And I love your hair AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks dear!! We should talk more ;-) stay cute x
Liked by: Hui Lin

pap ootd?

Haven't gone out yet!!!:-( but I was trying on clothes I haven't touched in centuries this morning and I thought this top was really nice and I was wondering why I never wore it

ahh my math is really bad now:(

There's still time to improve!! Just need to practise math a lot!!:-) who's your math teacher HAHAHAHA

is your math good in sec 2? I'm thinking of taking ied but idk what's the requirement.

Yep my math wasn't bad in sec 2:-) actually there isn't really a minimum requirement. I know of people who failed their sec 2 maths and are taking literature at the moment but are still in IED! I'm not very sure bc I didn't know what IED was in sec 2 and I actually did not opt for IED but I still ended up in IED (which was such a pleasant turn of events!!) I guess if you really want to get into IED, just make sure to score for maths and also opt for IED! You'll probably get in:-) (and sec 2 math isn't hard, you can ask me questions if you want:-)))) love helping people with math AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

are you going to update your blog soon?

Yes I'm planning to update tonight because daddy is bringing us to gardens by the bay for mooncake festival dinner!!:-) that one is most likely going to be on my personal blog!! Haven't updated that one for very long :O

What did u use to take your pictures? Camera or phone? And how do u make the background white? You r rly good!

I used my phone:-) don't have a proper camera but I really want to save up for one after O's ahahhaha and the white background is from my white table!! If you don't have a white table you can always use white paper I guess?:-) for editing I use snapseed!!:-) hope this helped x

how are your pictures always so nice?

Haha idk I'm not a professional photographer but I think lighting is very important??

pap u wearing cage bralet:)

Aaaah not v confident of showing so much skin sorry:-(( but I'm gonna wear it under a cut out top tomorrow or Saturday so yep!!!:-) will post on Instagram;-)

how did you get a custom url?

I don't really remember exactly what the website was but you can search "co.vu" on google and the website name will probably come up and yep you can just register your domain there :-) hope this was helpful x

Top 3 besties

Vanessa will always be my first. And then (nadineodelianatkim) haahahahahhaa & Alicia!! Sorz I cannot separate the 4 of them. They're like 1 package. 4 in 1!!!
Liked by: jerrick

how do you think military parka should be styled with?

I like how it looks with a white tank, black jeans and doc marts:-) idk I like to wear military parkas with black jeans/leather pants & doc marts the most

how did you first started learning how to put makeup?

I actually watched lots of YouTube videos and slowly I kind of had a rough idea on how to apply and I just did it I guess? Bc I watched a lot of beauty videos the steps and whatnot were already kind of at the back of my hand so yep:-)

i guess you hate being so ticklish

Well it depENDS ON THE SITUATION!! I mean I wouldn't want to be tickled in church like hello I'm listening to the priest talk *halo appears* but yeah generally maybe it's fun bc who doesn't like to laugh and I haven't been tickled in a long time AHAHAHAHA

Where do you plan to go after O's? And what's owd?

Ngee ann poly (if you're referring to school) if you're referring to countries then um everywhere??? Yes I want to go everywhere and owd stands for one word description if I'm not mistaken?? HAHAHAHAHA

Description friendly senior. Very pretty. Responsible. Caring. Kind. You can be scary at times :( but you're still nice :D you have nice dimples and super nice eyes 

Awwww thanks!!! People have talked about my dimples before but never my eyes HAAHHAHAHAHA yay you made me really happy thanks little one!!!! ❤️

why are you suddenly so nice to ppl hahaha

WhAT DO YOU MEAN :-( I've always been this nice hello ahahahajajajjajJjJhHhHha just that now I'm more open!!

pap handwriting! dont think anyone ask u bfr

sneak peek of what I'm giving him for our 3rd monthsary whoop whoop

Who's dat nicole kimberly on Instagram and Twitter?

She's a fellow fashion blogger!:-) you guys should really check her out bc she's really pretty + totes love her fashion sense HAHAHAA we both have the same style man HAHAAHHAHAHAA love shopping with her


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