
Martina Carmelly

Ask @martinacarmelly

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Halo ka bantu answer ya.. Aku jual pin konveksi nih harga lagi promo .. Bisa untung berlipat ganda lohh.. No tipu tipu ... Kita sudah punya banyak testi .. Kuy jadi jutawan :) join?kontak kita yu line: nazizataher Bbm: 5E18974A Tanya2? Silahkan:) thxx

Liked by: Jessica Angelina

What's on your bucket list?

I have many xixixi. but travel around the world with people i love is on the top 👌🏼👌🏼💖

@theannaclendening asks, "What is your most embarrassing moment?”

It happened when i did the activity near the lake in Trento. because when we went there, the weather wasnt very good. so we decided to play the hugging activity. usually if we play this game with a stranger, we called their name. but because we already know each other, we hug them every time. back to topic. this game actually called dip dip drop. so when i got my turn, i still wear my flipflop and when i almost reached the seat i slipped because the grass is pretty wet. And then my friend suggested me to run with my barefoot but i still wear my flipflop (im a stubborn ikr) and i fell again. well i feel stupid now because i didn't listen to my friend's advice but good memories came from stupid things so im pretty proud of it. and i miss them so much++😭
Liked by: Martina Carmelly

kalo pergi" pake makeup atau essentials apa?

makeup? belajar makeup aja baru HEHEHE. gapake apa" sih biasanya soalnya kea bodo amat lah wkwk

HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉🎉🎆🎆 New year is the time to say Thank You for all those blessings of Our Lord. May God make your year a happy one!😉 Not by shielding you from all sorrows and pain But by strengthening you to bear it.

perfectweirdos’s Profile Photoketziaa
HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO 💜 God bless too
Liked by: ketziaa

quest : kelas berapa? lagi suka dengerin lagu apa?pap anything?hehe😊

belrnza’s Profile Photobella lorenza
kelas 10 🙈 lagi suka album made in the am (lagu: wolves, if i could fly, end of the day, history), love yourself, rumors, i love you, first flight home 💓 louis aja ya 😍😍😻😻
quest  kelas berapa lagi suka dengerin lagu apapap anythinghehe

Lt imp jugaa

jss_angelina’s Profile PhotoJessica Angelina
Lt: dikira diem ternyata ga sama sekali, brandal bgt main hape dikelas, seatmate melynda, satu sangga yoi, rajin bener lesnya gakuku, dari tasik 🙈
"les ga?"
"les dong."
"makasih tante"
"duluan ya tin."
"gue juga ngantuk."
*story snapchat everywhere*
Liked by: Jessica Angelina

december wish(es): haii tinaa! semogaa di akhir taun inii bring you a good vibe yaaa. enjoy your holiday! semogaa rapotnya nya ntar bagus jugaa. Godbless youu❤️

hai cii! amin.. semoga rapot bagus juga ci 😹💪🏻 Gb too 💓

Lt imper dong bozen

kimberlygunya’s Profile PhotoKimberly
cape belajar so letz start!
lt nya: awalnya mukanya judes parah gue ampe takut wqwq ternyata baik mayanlha, dodol" gt, seru, ngakak, jago jerman, les di mana y w lupa, pengen keluar les, taruhan nilai kimia mat minat 100 😏, rumah di illago sering lari sama anjingnya (+nungguin boker anjing) 😹, swifties 💪🏻, hapenya gapernah ada kuota, hapenya uda macem ada sarang laba" ae jarangggggg dibuka zz, SUARANYA BAGUS PARAH, seatmate dav, seatmate nessa, seatmate w.
imper: "chop chop"
"HAHHAHA" *ketawa pake nada*
"..." *ngomong pake nada*
*ngomong jerman*
"Ini mah gue remed lagi"
"protista sama bakteri gue kebalik masa"
"mandarin 10 bab!!!"
"mereka jadian?"
"gue sih maunya nnton konser taylor"
*muka aib everywhere*
"stein hari ini gue atau lu?"
"tin ini gimana sih?"
"ne ini gimana sih?"
"toilet yuk? gamau. oke bye." lolz
"tina itu kadang ga dipikir ya" wkakk
"ini mah gue remed" > dapet 100 zz
"terong lu"
"kangen cici gue nih"
"******* ganteng ya"
"adenya juga cantik"
"pengen ketemu+foto"
"kalo ngakak foto, aneh ga ya?"
"pengen ketemu"
"my boyfie"
"nikung lu tin" > padahal ga kenal ckck
"jangan geer, nanti ditikung"
uda ya kimz

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Lt imper dong bozen
Liked by: Kimberly

kalo lu punya geng (misalkan ber 7). kalian selalu ke mall jalan jalan bareng. eh suatu hari temen temen lu itu ke mall tanpa sepengetahuan lu, dan lu gak di ajak. jd mereka cm ber 6 doang. menurut lu gimana? apa perasaan lu?.

slr. ya kalo gak diajak ya kesel lhaa, paling abis itu nanya kenapa ga diajak atau ngambek gt (?) hihi. ya kalo diajak trus kita gabisa dan mreka tetep jalan ya it's okay laa kan ga semua harus ada kita ye ga? tapi kalo gadiajak solusinya sih nanya aja kenapa gt ae.
Liked by: Jessica Angelina

Who's ur number #1 friend? Thoughts on him/her!

hmm lets start.
the first one is adine. i met adine when we were in the meeting of interchange. we just met almost 6 months but we're really close. she is my closest friend in my delegation. she's nice, she's pretty, she's talkative, and she's so funny. she can be very random in just one moment. i dont even know how can i get really close with her. and obviously, she's very friendly. she can get many friends from other country just in 3 weeks. and she can adapt to everything and she helps me and she does care 'bout me. 👻
Liked by: evanlunara


Language: English