
Martina Carmelly

Latest answers from Martina Carmelly

Halo ka bantu answer ya.. Aku jual pin konveksi nih harga lagi promo .. Bisa untung berlipat ganda lohh.. No tipu tipu ... Kita sudah punya banyak testi .. Kuy jadi jutawan :) join?kontak kita yu line: nazizataher Bbm: 5E18974A Tanya2? Silahkan:) thxx


What's on your bucket list?

I have many xixixi. but travel around the world with people i love is on the top 👌🏼👌🏼💖

@theannaclendening asks, "What is your most embarrassing moment?”

It happened when i did the activity near the lake in Trento. because when we went there, the weather wasnt very good. so we decided to play the hugging activity. usually if we play this game with a stranger, we called their name. but because we already know each other, we hug them every time. back to topic. this game actually called dip dip drop. so when i got my turn, i still wear my flipflop and when i almost reached the seat i slipped because the grass is pretty wet. And then my friend suggested me to run with my barefoot but i still wear my flipflop (im a stubborn ikr) and i fell again. well i feel stupid now because i didn't listen to my friend's advice but good memories came from stupid things so im pretty proud of it. and i miss them so much++😭

Language: English