

Ask @melimelibanana

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Kak jangan terlalu tinggi dan dalam saat mencintai orang, nanti jatuhnya akan terasa sakit lho. Love is like an Icarus's wings, you fly too high to the sun and then you burned.

Jadi inget sebuah percakapan antar dua sahabat di film Indonesia "Andai Dia Tahu",
Sahabat yang pertama bilang ke sahabat kedua:
"Punya hati, jangan dibawa terbang tinggi. Sekalinya jatuh, sakit."
Sahabat kedua menjawab:
"Tapi kalau ga terbang tinggi ga bisa lihat pemandangan bagus, kan?"

Hey gorgeous! Happy Late Anniversary with ur boyfriend! You guys are so cute and wish you guys all the best ^^

kimakimoto’s Profile PhotoInstagram: kimberleyycw
Hi Kim!
Thank you so much, you lovely creature! I wish you the same! I saw someone told you they couldn't wait to see how your future offspring would look like, guess what, you just gained another person in that waiting list! ^^
May you have a wonderful day today, sweetheart! xx

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Random Q's: Write a poem about someone who suddenly flashed in your head when you read this question. Have a lovely day, you.

Sashaa Gautama
I am not writing about love.
For me love is not interesting anymore.
Love does not laugh like you do.
Love does not stroke my hair like you do.
Love does not steal my ice cream like you do.
I can not see what love looks like.
But I can see you.
I can see your eyes, sometimes they are perfect round, but often they are just line, whenever you laugh with me.
I can see your lips, making curve. The only curve I find beautiful in humans, I find it more beautiful in you.
I can see you. Yes, I can see you.
I am not writing about love.
I don't know love that much.
But I know you so well. And I don't know since when writing about you is more interesting to me than writing about love; because to me you're more than love, you are you.
Yes, I am not writing about love.
I am writing about you.

Hello! So... I just made a cover of Etta James' I'll Take Care of You. I would like for you to give me critics and all of that expert talk. Thank you before :-) https://soundcloud.com/tadskei/ill-take-care-of-you-etta-james-cover

Hi Tada! Sorry for the late reply!
I'm actually not an expert, malah sebenarnya gue buta nada. HAHAHA. So I can't really give you any expert comments, but you did well! Gue suka cara lo bernyanyi, it felt like a musical story-telling to me. ^^

kak.kk suka ketawa sendiri gak sih liat orang yang ngeask sendiri,trs di answer sok sok marah gitu kek"aelah off anon kek" pdhl dia sendiri yng ngeask

Hmm, lebih concern ke ini sih.
Kalau udah sampai bikin fake account orang buat ngerusak nama baik orang itu, menurut aku udah kelewatan. Yuk kita bantu kak Anzi buat report orangnya! ^^
Report yang ini: @anzimabitch
Dan yang ini juga: @nidarkania
Kalau ada yang kenal dia, juga tolong dibilangin ke orangnya ya. Terima kasih, para user Ask.fm yang terhormat! ^^

Kak Melissa, kasih tips biar tetep pede pake lipstick merah tanpa keliatan tua dong. ^^

Putri Olga
Saran aku sih cuma dua: Kalau bibir kamu udah attract attention dengan warna merah, sebisa mungkin makeup bagian lainnya di-less aja. Misalkan matanya cukup pakai eyeliner tipis aja, atau bentuk alis aja, jadi saat orang lihat muka kamu, orang ga bingung harus lihat kemana.
Second advice, of course, be confident. Kalau kamu pede, orang ngeliatnya juga enak. ^^

kak mel, ada rekomendasi film yang menurut kakak menarik dan wajib di tonton ngga? terimakasih, kak.

If you're in mood for short creepy movies:
Play With Me: Sometimes it's better to stay at home rather than play.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1BnEKNYM-Ymelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 x1BnEKNYM-Ymelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 x1BnEKNYM-Y
The Maker: A strange creature races against time to make the most important and beautiful creation of his life.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDXOioU_OKMmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 YDXOioU_OKMmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 YDXOioU_OKM
Doll Face: A machine with a doll face mimics images on television screen in search of a satisfactory visage.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl6hNj1uOkYmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 zl6hNj1uOkYmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 zl6hNj1uOkY
Cargo: Stranded in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, a man sets in motion an unlikely plan to protect his precious daughter. (This one is my favorite)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gryenlQKTbEmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 gryenlQKTbEmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 gryenlQKTbE
Zero: In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and persecution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOMbySJTKpgmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 LOMbySJTKpgmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 LOMbySJTKpg
The Blackwater Gospel: As long as anyone can remember, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the coming of death. Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVkDrIacHJMmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 vVkDrIacHJMmelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 vVkDrIacHJM

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melimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 x1BnEKNYM-Ymelimelibanana’s Video 118933428488 x1BnEKNYM-Y

horor story dong

by reddit user RealScience87
My daughter woke me around 11:50 last night. My wife and I had picked her up from her friend Sally’s birthday party, brought her home, and put her to bed. My wife went into the bedroom to read while I fell asleep watching the Braves game.
"Daddy," she whispered, tugging my shirt sleeve. "Guess how old I’m going to be next month."
"I don’t know, beauty," I said as I slipped on my glasses. "How old?"
She smiled and held up four fingers.
It is 7:30 now. My wife and I have been up with her for almost 8 hours. She still refuses to tell us where she got them.


Ada tourist attraction baru di Chicago.
Dari atas ketinggian 1000 kaki, kita bisa melihat langsung ke arah kota dengan sesuatu yang unik.
TILT adalah sebuah viewing platform yang diletakan di lantai 94, John Hancock Tower, dan seperti namanya, TILT yang dibuat dari kaca dan besi ini bisa digunakan oleh para pengunjung untuk melihat pemandangan kota dengan perspektif yang unik.

btw aku make benefit yg itu ka. itu rada cepet ilang dan teksturnya kering bgt. jd suka aku tambahin lipbalm stlh pemakaian liptint. btw ka mel make apa buat bibir?

Aku liptint biasanya dipakai buat pipi, hehe.
Buat bibir aku pakai lipgloss dari Clinique digabung sama lipstick MAC Diva. ^^

tanpa bermaksud menyindir, kamu yang menyatakan perasaan terlebih dulu ya kak mel? maksudku nembak?

Kalaupun gue yang nembak, that's perfectly fine.
If I had to confess my feeling first to be with someone like him, I'd confess my feeling over and over again, I'd spend every second of my life telling him that I love him. ^^

Hello! Bisakah kamu mmberi (at least) rekomendasi 5 keywords yang bisa saya search di google untuk menambah pengetahuan saya? (Tentang apa saja,boleh tentang pngtahuan umum,informasi menarik,fashion,architecture,wht's currently trending,etc) Trims!

1. Post-Mortem Photography
2. Caroline Reaper
3. Tikker
4. Tooth tattoos
5. 123D Catch
You're welcome. :)

happy anniversary ka mel semoga langgeng terus sampe punta cicit yang unyu2 makin romantis makin sweet makin segala3nya cepet nikah huehehehe

Sri Rahayu
Kamu juga selamat ulang tahun yaaa, may all the great things come to your life.
Have a great day today! :D
Liked by: ccaesar Sri Rahayu

pap sama pacarnya dong ka

Today, a year ago, a man picked me up at Gandaria City and apologized to a security because I jumped over its fence.
Today, a year ago, a man brought me to Seven Eleven because I cried, and bought me a bottle of Kopiko 78.
Today, a year ago, I asked a man did he think of me as more than a friend and the man nodded, I asked a man did he want me to be his woman and the man said yes.
Today, it's been a year since that day. And today, I still love him as much as that day. It may be more, but can't be less.
Happy 1st anniversary, @siemwaike thank you for a year full of love and happiness and hugs and kisses. I love you, for the next one year, two years, and more years.
(Postingan telat, satu tahunannya tanggal 10 kemarin padahal. Hehe)

Therell be the end of the world though, were accelerating the worlds end if we live like this, global warming will burn us or our grand grand children maybe in 100 years or faster who knows

I think we need to watch these certain videos:
"How you choose to live each day whether you regard or disregard me, doesn't really matter to me. One way or the other. Your actions will determine your fate, not mine. I am nature, I will go on. I am prepared to evolve. Are you?" - Mother Nature
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmVLcj-XKnMmelimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 WmVLcj-XKnMmelimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 WmVLcj-XKnM
"I am the ocean, I am water, I am most of this planet, I've shaped this. Every stream, every cloud and every raindrop, they all come back to me. One way or another, every living thing here needs me. I am the source, I am what they crawl out of. Humans are not different. I don't owe them a thing. I give, they take. But I can always take back. That's just the way it's always been. It's not their planet anyway. Never was, never will be. But humans, they take more than their share. They poison me then they expect me to feed them. Oh, it doesn't work that way." - The Ocean
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM6txLtoaoc&list=PL5WqtuU6JrnXjsGO4WUpJuSVmlDcEgEYb&index=2melimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 rM6txLtoaocmelimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 rM6txLtoaoc
"Humans, they are so smart, so smart. Such big brains and their opposable thumbs. They know how to make things, amazing things. Now why would they need all the forest like me anymore? Jungles? Trees? Well, they do breath air, and I make air. Have they thought about that? Humans. So smart. They will figure it out. Humans. Making air. That will be fun to watch." - The Rainforest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBqMJzv4Cs8&index=3&list=PL5WqtuU6JrnXjsGO4WUpJuSVmlDcEgEYbmelimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 jBqMJzv4Cs8melimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 jBqMJzv4Cs8
Nature doesn't need people.
People need nature.

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melimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 WmVLcj-XKnMmelimelibanana’s Video 118895255048 WmVLcj-XKnM

Barang apa yang ngga pernah absen di tas mu? Selain gadget ;D

Makeup kit.
Terdiri dari:
- bedak
- liptint
- black eyeliner liquid
- white eyeliner pencil
- brow pencil
- lipstick
- lipgloss
- mascara
- oil paper
- mirror
- comb
Kalian pasti mikir, astaga kak Meli orangnya makeup banget. But trust me, when you're older, fancy it or not, you need to impress some people. In my case, I can not go and meet my client with a fucked up face, a sign that I work too hard for their brand. I need to maintain my professional look. Prinsip gue adalah, be like a duck, it looks like it swims so calm, but it actually paddles like hell underneath the water. ^^

pernah ngerasa bersalah gak sm anon? kayak misal nyadar diri kalo jawabnya terlalu kasar gitu

Ah, saya mana pernah jahat sama Anon. ^^
*fingers crossed*
Liked by: Indri Darma

if you're awake in the middle night, then you see your lover make a sweet text to another girl/boy.what would you do?while you cant sleep again.

Correct his sentences.
My lover is not good with words, if he wants to write a sweet text, I will do it for him.
Man, I've been writing poems and sweet words since the first day I knew love.

kak.. mau tny nih, ujian tes masuk dkv di ITB itu seperti gimana ?

Masuk DKV ITB tesnya setahun Dek.
Cara penilaiannya gimana?
Kamu harus punya IPK 2 semester yang lebih tinggi ketimbang pesaing kamu.
Kalau IPK-nya jelek ga bisa masuk DKV dong?
Oh, tentu masih bisa. But make sure yang minat masuk DKV ga banyak, jadi pesaing kamu dikit.


Language: English