
Qamarina Jaffre

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Aku ada kenalan sama this guy.. we texted daily for almost 2 months then suddenly ya tiba tiba hilang. Inda lagi mentext. Any idea why? He told me ya inda kn hilang apa but yeah. Setahun sudah.

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And me too.. almost 2 months but alhamdulillah balum ia hilang.. Im afraid so. A friend plg. Tapi kannn feeling atu mcm.. Idk what to do~ just go with the flow 😥
that means he's already get tired of u sis, let him be. Mind to explain y he left tho'? did he ask about your 'diamond' before he left?
Aku pun Sama case NYA. Tapi kan,what gone is gone,kalau ea banar banar like you,he or she wouldn't be gone,and I know it's hard to believe it either pasal the promise he made, but you have to accept the fact. There has to be a reason why they break the promise and don't waste your time hold onto him,someone better will come in time.

Language: English