
Murray Plowman

Ask @murrayplowman1

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If someone bully’s you should you get revenge and put them in their place

No, that would be the worst thing to do, just simply ignore them

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When does it stop being partly sunny and start to become partly cloudy?

As soon as theirs more clouds than sun 🤷🏼‍♂️

Would you reach out to an ex after one week of no contact?

No, never go back to an ex, if it didn’t work in the first place it’ll never work again

Greetings! 😺 Is it important to get married officially now?

No, do it in your own time, it’s a big step, fuck Me and partners been engaged for 3 year and haven’t started planning.

Is corona getting finished?

Highly doubt it’ll ever ‘finish’ everyone needs to stop listening to the media because they’re just keeping it alive

YO! Why is it that the older we get, the fewer friends we have?

Because people drift apart, people change and everyone has their own situations, life just carries on

Any plans for autumn?

Hopefully sitting on the couch, with a hot chocolate and snacks, wrapped in blankets and pyjamas, watching Harry Potter or any marvel movie, with my fiancé in our new house 🙂

Would you rather be ten years old forever or fifty years old forever?

Ahhh fuck.. right so my favourite hobby is driving and pissing about with my car, but I used to love not paying for bills and shit.. if I could merge that together you’d get.. something that will never happen🤷🏼‍♂️ So yeah I pick neither because I’d hate to be one age my whole life 😂
Liked by: ★ Cazzy. ★

Don't you mind to chat? Wanna know something I will listen to your answer - hould I text my crush rignt now or not?

Yes! Do it!

I hope he lets u message him again u and him would get on well

Don’t get me wrong, we still talk, just barely anymore. I know me and him would get on because I’ve known him for nearly 20 odd year. people change and some people you’ll start drifting away from🤷🏼‍♂️

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Need to ask you Do you think it is important to have the closest friend or is it enough to have good acquaintances?

To be honest, some friends aren’t worth it, your probably better off getting a couple friends that you trust not to fuck you off for someone else, create a small circle and keep them close.

Need to ask you! 😇 Is it necessary to pull a friend out from a toxic relationship?

Well you can’t really pull a friend out of a toxic relationship, if they don’t think it’s toxic they’ll stay with their partner. It’s their choice at the end of the day


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