Ask @naabar

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tiqahhhhhh.. apa khabar? lama tak tengok on. nak ws no. haha

tiqah nk tegur tdi tpi takut akk dh x kenal kang hampeh le haha bak 5 ringgit bru dpt no ws
Liked by: Asyraf Nazri

Lelaki takut ke dgn perempuan tinggi ni? :( kenapalah i suka lelaki lagi pendek.... tinggi i 173cm and my crush mcm 165cm??? brb nangis tepi bucu katil.

Uish mak aii panjang nauu ahaha mna lh I tau, I perempuan

You are attending a birthday party of a very rich person who "has got everything". What do you give him/her as a gift?

a friend who's gonna spend his "everything" lol

I like to remain anonymous. That Liza though, she's a fucken catch isn't she? ;)

Y'all dont use bad words smh

IT IS IIIIII!!! Who was that other random talking to u lmao wasn't me

worldtokyo’s Profile PhotoMariana
I dont think anyone else ask me BC I haven't been on here for months 🌞

Give out the first name of the person you have an undying love for

Imma give full name.
Matthew Tyler Musto a.k.a blackbear

What's your favourite English, Malay, Chinese, Korean & Hindi movies ? #randques

English: mostly 90s movies
Malay: x tgk drama lama dh 😭
Korean: xde sllu tgk series je
Hindi: bnyak 😭
Liked by: Cik Iris Humaira.

Merdu sngt lagu tu sampai akak jatuh hati. lagu rock tak buat akak jatuh hati. jatuh sakit jantung adalah la hahahaha

Amboii haha sakit jantung 😂😂 lagu rock slow le yg bingit mcm Metallica tu mmg idok le
Liked by: Cik Iris Humaira.


Language: English