Ask @naabar

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Senaraikan ciri ciri zauj impian awak

adududu..haha..xtau lh...😅
tunggu saya 21 tahun bru saya ada jwapan..😂

quotes tentang gadis solehah please :)

dunia adalah perhiasan semata-mata,dan sebaik-baik hiasan adalah wanita solehah...
bolehkah? Sis emy bgi..
Liked by: Nur Dini

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My parents are Christians but they don't go to church, don't pray (not religious) They don't care about my religion, but they said it's shame for them when I go outside wearing hijab. In Islam relationship with parents is so important. Does it mean I won't go to Jannah? ('coz they feel shame of me)

erm,maybe you should ask someone who knows better...
im just little potato..😄
ask her @ifateng or her @afafamran


naabar’s Profile Phototiqoh
The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth, until you step in the exam hall.

esok exam, mlm maen?? hmm..bagosnye..

bru je hbis study..
esok pgi pkul 4 smbung study,,mama suruh,,
aishh,smua nk ckp mcmtu,💔

nape kene tutup lampu klu nk tido?

sbb x kna bkk lmpu time tidur,.😂
maaf,ni soalan KBAT..isi tersirat niyh..😅😅😅...*ehh,btol ke trsirat?*

Assalamualaikum. Hmmm. Nak share sikit. 'Rasulullah berpesan , Dunia adalah perhiasan dan sebaik-baik perhiasan adalah wanita solehah.' Syukran.

waalaikumusalam.. syukron alaik..barakallahu fik
Liked by: KakPotato Ms Aiyss

kawan akak pesan..klu org tengah sedih..let her cool down dulu..jgn kacau dia

baik..syukron alaik..

What do teenagers think about?

teenagers A- beauty
teenagers B-brain
teenagers C-boyfriend
teenagers D-Idk..


naabar’s Profile Phototiqoh
A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.
Her mum came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: my sweetie, could you give your mum one of your two apples?
The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other.
The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment.
Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mum,and said: mummy, here you are. This is the sweeter one.
No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgement. Give others the privelege to explain themselves. What you see may not be the reality. Never conclude for others.
Liked by: KakPotato

ada masa saya tk suke dtg period' sbb saya sedih tk dapat baca Quran dan solat'' kalau bole nk je slalu jmpe Allah 5 kali shari dlm solat kita''' :(

nk buad camna,,dh takdir perempuan camtu,,😊
awak qodo lh..*maaf,konpius eja camna*
Liked by: XMiaX mhmdadib

can you please like @PersonalInna 30 answers ♡ thank you ♡ #followed ♡ follow back ? Thank you♥ ily

gosh,tired,,need to sleep..followed back,,likes? next time

fi hifzillah tu apa? hehe maaflah saya tak tahu. ok waalaikumussalam

semoga dlm jagaan Allah...kot,.ehh,konpius arr...,hahah
Liked by: KakPotato

kuih serempit tu apa? my friend ask me but when i google about that kuih keluar motor. i'm just a guy yang ta makan kuih sangat so i hope you can help me.

serempit x prnah eden dongar aih.,😄😄😄
semprit ada lh..ahha,.
Liked by: cikpurple_ awin.

Hai awakk. Em emm 👉👈 Rindu budakk yang suka bela kita nihh 😂

hye back,,eh japp✋
kak mar?

ok2..x kacau..istighfar bebanyak dek..sejukkan hati yg tgh panas tu...

SyazanaHanis’s Profile PhotoAsh
K..dh sejuk,,bru kluar pti ais,.😄😄😄
Liked by: Ash

ko knl aku? cube la ckp sape!!

aku bukan kaset nk rewind² niyh..tdi aq dh tulis kan yg aq x mau ckp sapa,,


naabar’s Profile Phototiqoh
aq rsa aq knl kau anon..rsa je lh..tpi xnk ckp.,tkut slh,,malu plak..🙈
aq mohon JGN GANGGU ORG YG RPT NGN AKU SEBELUM AKU JADI ORG LAIN..mohon niyh..luluskan permohonan aku weyhhh
Liked by: cikpurple_ awin.

Hahaha haah kan lau dia laki camne gulp! Em tp girl kottt haha kan anon kan 😂😂😂 ok betul2 nak ciao ni haha boii tiqah boii anon lavh both of u ❤

kann..x psl²..ahha..ok boii...Lavh ya gtg too

Hahaha wahai anon yg disayangi, mai lah kita beramah mesra ya Hahaha comel la kau ni anon xD

kann..ahha,kmi syg kau lh anon,,except klau kau lelaki,,😄😄😄
marilah sertai program beramah mesra bersama naabar dan kak mar..
pffft,so fanehhh
Liked by: awin.

x nk! aku nk kacau dia gak! tp nanti!

kau ni,org busy buat pahala,kau busy buat dosa..
adududu,so fanehhh,..cant setop laffing,,😂😂😢
Liked by: awin.

salah kah aku kacau kak mar???

awak comellah anon..tpi,x baik kcau org...Kcau saya je..ok?

Cehh akk lagi ah dah xde mata pun boleh texting lagi 😝😝 hg adoo??? Haha emm pegi Sarawak tu xde beli apa2 utk akk ke??? 🙈🙈🙈

lol,dh x mmpu lwn,,ahha,,,jum wassap,,jum wassap,,ehh,xde bli lakk,,ahahah

Haha x jeles la wekk 😝😝😝 Haha hebat kan??? mereput pun masih mampu main ask 😁😁 *mohon jeles *

hahah.,eleh,tiqah dh hncur tgn pon still bleh online,.😂😂😂


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