

Ask @nerdyjenny025

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i came back to london and the depression came back full force. is this the cause of my unhappiness? am i in the wrong place? had a wonderful time in scotland with my loved ones. maybe i should think about moving there forever

Scotland is beautiful I always get sad when I leave there.

Say you lived next to a construction site and they were always super noisy early in the morning, waking you up. How'd you go about getting enough sleep? 🎧🏗️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Noise cancelling ear plugs
Liked by: Tobbe

How easily do you get woken up when you're asleep? 😴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Depends how tired I am. Oddly if I'm not tired I sleep through, but if I am I wake up. I can wake up to doors opening or closing sometimes but I've also been known to sleep through a massive thunderstorm (oh and an tremor once, think thats name, the mini earthquake)
Liked by: Tobbe

What's a gift you've recieved which you think was truly thoughtful? 🎁

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
A necklace and bracelet that belonged to my Nan who passed away in 2019. My Granddad gave me the necklace June 2019 gorgeous my birthday and the bracelet last year for Christmas. For him to part with something of my Nan's must have been so difficult but he knows that family we will love and cherish them forever.
Liked by: Tobbe

What do you do throughout an average day? 📅

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
So I usually get up and if I'm not going to do overtime I'm usually on bus at around 7:15am. Then I work 9-5 with half hour lunch at 1pm. Get home at 6pm, do daily challenge on RDR2, decide if i want to play any other games. Eat at about 6:30 once meals cooked. Listen to to music or watch tv and then head to bed to read at about 9pm which isn't brilliant only eaten 2.5 hours ago but is its earliest i can eat and I'm usually knackered)
Liked by: Tobbe

What's your generation? I was born in 1997. That's when the Gen Z begins, but I identify as a millennial b/c I grew up with older siblings and I've always been a fan of all the cool, stylish, pretty girls things like magazines, y2k fashion, MySpace scene girls etc. I feel like most gen z is beneath.

I'm millennial. What do you feel gen z is beneath?

in a really bad place right now (London)

Oh no sending thoughts hope it's not the east London *cries in Cockney*

Ask is pretty dead. I always ask my "friends" questions but they rarely answer, and it's not because they ignore me, it's just that most of them have very busy lives which is understandable. I might start sending s/o, but people are ab*sive on here, I don't want to interact with that kind of people.

It's rubbish I barely get on but I hate to see nasty stuff on here

What's in your favorite salad? Can be one you either make or buy! 🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I like Greek salads home made. I'm trying to get fond of tuna Nicosia salads as well
Liked by: Tobbe

If you like rollercoasters, which is the best one you've been on? What makes it so good? 🎢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
TH13TEEN (not sure why they missed off R from the name) at Alton Towers. The surprise at one bit was amazing first time but when you expect it, its not as good, but I still love it
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have any local holidays or minor days of note? Today it's "fettisdagen" in Sweden, when it's tradition to eat a semla, a certain kind of pastry 🥐🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
We have pancake day 🥞 falls day before Ash Wednesday abd we just eat pancakes.
Liked by: Tobbe

What's the coldest temperature you've ever experienced? What was that like? 🥶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh gosh! I honestly can't remember the exact temperature but we were in tje Arctic circle on a cruise. It was absolutely freezing 🥶 even lime this I was freezing
Whats the coldest temperature youve ever experienced What was that like
Liked by: Tobbe

To my British friends what is the correct way to make a cup of tea. I say Tea Bag, Hot water then Milk how do you make it?

Tea bag, hot water milk then any sugar or sweetners

Say it's the first day of snow for the winter, what do you do? ❄️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
See if transport is running so I can make decision if I'm going in to work
Liked by: Tobbe

Is there any gameshow you've watched and been like "I'd be good at that!"? Or at least wanted to try? 📺

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
The Chase springs to mind but depends who I'm up against. Also House of Games which as a bunch of different levels like rhyme time, and the answer isn't, answer smash. I'm not sure if irs shown outside the uk but I do enjoy that one
Liked by: Tobbe

What is your stance on the use of fireworks? 🎇✅🚫

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
They're pretty but so are the drones they use in London. Maybe that will be a big thing more in the future. Im sure thry use them elsewhere but dont watch them. Poor little Teddy is frantic when they go off and I just want to cuddle him do much
Liked by: Tobbe

What's "the chair" in your home? Like where you put used clothes that are still too fresh to be put in the laundry? Is it an actual chair? 👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It's my chair anytime I go in everything is thrown on there. I just stay in my room now😅
Liked by: Tobbe

Which is your local witherspoon?

To be honest I don't quite know probably one in the city centre and even then we have 3 (2 actually across the road from each other)

If you use Spotify, what did your Wrapped of this year look like? 🎶⏪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Very bizzare! There was a song on my most played songs that I barely listened to. Although it was the usual range of different music styles
Liked by: Tobbe


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