
Brittney Stokes❤️BITCHNEY❤️

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what is the meaning of love and life itself?

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Love doesn't exist. It's something that people lean on to give them reason, similar to religion. To feel like they should be on this floating space rock.
Life is pointless. We all die, as do or legacies. There comes a time when no one will ever know or remember who you were once You're gone.
Life is in feelings, love is one of the feelings...but there is no fun in this answer.
Associate life with a pain, though life is not just pain, but there is no life without one. Most important moments in life of any living creature is when it is in pain. If it was in pain and then,is suddenly free from all kinds of pain, it is probably dead.
To live your life properly you should choose which pain you will run from and which one you will embrace through the growth of your powers, to ensure your survival.
Love is the feeling that makes you burden your life for no benefit of your survival.

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