
Dennis Law

Ask @nycsfrsuve1

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Why do some individuals focus on the negative traits a person has rather than appreciating them for the positive traits they do have?

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We all come into relationships with our own biases and traumas, the question you should be asking is are you aware yourself of your own insecurities and how will those insecurities impact your new relationship, or are you amenable to doing the work

Can you be with someone who lacks accountability (never apologize for actions that negatively impact others and oneself) and plays victim?

No, not looking for someone toxic and/or someone who is insecure

Have you ever made a prank phone call?

Freshman year at University, I had girls stalkers, one girl left recorded messages on my answering machine pretending to be Disney characters and princesses from the movies, I later found out it was because she was interested and trying to impress me

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Be honest, did you ever cheat???

In elementary school, i pulled this girl’s hair, she turned around and smiled at me, funny how things don’t change….

Can a man love 2 women?

Gengis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Conquerors, I think the goal was to conquer and to attain, the masculine imperative and one that only few men can realize

It's time to let you go. I know you are not here, but this is the closest I can get to tell you my feelings. I really loved you, but you didn't felt the same.

how is this helpful to you?, the person you are reaching out to, has no idea who you are, this can be meaningful to them or just disregarded

I may seem like I don't care but I do deep inside me is a big ball of feelings that want to come out I can't though cause it will be a waste of time to much is already gone or lost but my heart misses you

Regret is an abyss, a hole that no one wants to keep. personally I would prefer to hear the truth. and it sounds like you’re either scared or unwilling to ask this person, but you take those regrets and issues into your next relationship, and for me i wouldn’t do that to my person, men are simpler, it doesn’t seem like this guy knows how you feel. and i don’t who this is, this could be one of many….

Does sufferings and pain happens more in life than joyful moments?

I believe for a man, suffering is a part of life, but suffering should not deter you from getting the job done, it should have no affect on being productive. Joy is what you had as a kid, now that you’re a man joy is not a useful metric for a man’s success, a mans imperative differs from that of a woman

I have never known someone to take as much pain as you and be as strong as you are ❤️

I have heard this a lot from friends and family. you have to believe in something bigger, not be afraid of pain, and for me, there was something bigger than both my parents

Is it possible to think that you’re compatible with someone at first only to later on have almost nothing to talk about with them or share in common anymore?

you’re mistaking compatibility with chemistry, and chemistry/passion is fleeting, it disappears, always, i would look into your own past and see what unmet needs/trauma you had as a kid, did your parents abandon you?

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Do you think women or men have more high body counts?

In general women, as a man gets older there is a small percentage that builds wealth and value, and that man can eat all the candy at the candy store he wants, since women are born with value they preserve value by making themselves inaccesible to other men, men on the other hand demonstrate value with self control

Would you take your ex back if he was evil to you n took everything from you. Even when he hadva gf the hole time . ?

Sounds like you still have feelings for your ex, some unresolved issues, I would talk to them if they’re willing, hopefully that gives you peace

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

La mujer hermosa en la que pienso todos los días, el niño del que hablamos sobre la creación, y el futuro que le prometí.

What's the best news ☺️😉😎you've ever received?

Muchas cosas por las que estar agradecido, viendo a esa persona que no pensaba que sería capaz de ver, entrando en las primeras 3 escuelas públicas de "Ivy" en los Estados Unidos, por estar sana y cuidar a las personas con buena medicina.
So many things to be grateful for, seeing that person I did not think I would be able to see, getting into the top 3 public ivy league schools in the us, for being healthy, and taking care of people with good medicine

What will you nevetyr do?

Si lo quiero, nada puede impedirme conseguirlo.
If I want it, nothing can stop me from getting it.

You probably really love 😄😇to travel?

Sí, me encanta la comida y me encanta viajar. Soy muy aventurero. Y tú, ¿qué te gusta hacer?
Yes, I love food and I love to travel. I am very adventurous. And you, what do you like to do?

Netflix and😂😍😲👧 chill?

Con una agradable manta caliente y una bebida dura 😘
With a nice warm blanket and a hard drink

Would you ever consider going 👨to college in Italy?

Ya que ya me gradué de la universidad en UCLA, ir a Italia sería para el trabajo
Since I have already graduated from college at UCLA, going to Italy would be for work

On a scale of 1 to 10, how😄😙😥👧 well do you sing?

Prefiero bailar a cantar, y cantar sólo cuando nadie me puede oír
I prefer dancing to singing, and singing only when no one can hear me

What does "feeling high" mean to you????

Cuando te sientes seguro, seguro y confiado. Y nadie puede hacerte sentir de otra manera.
When you feel safe, secure and confident. And nobody can make you feel otherwise.

What are you doing?

seeing patients, fixing hearts ❤️
Viendo a los pacientes, arreglando corazones

what is the most obvious sign of love? ??

Poniendo al otro primero
when you can share your deepest thoughts and secrets without fear of being judged, when he adores you with his eyes, when he loves her even more without makeup
Cuando puedes compartir tus pensamientos y secretos más profundos sin temor a ser juzgado, cuando te adora con los ojos, cuando la ama aún más sin maquillaje

I love apples - what do you love?

hmmm...a nice pinot grigio with a cool chèvre cheese with those apples set against a warm california sunset around 8:30 pm 😄

Can you leave your native land and move to another city for the sake of a loved one?

No hay distancia, no voy a viajar. No hay océano, no me cruzaría. No hay muro, no subiría, para llegar a la mujer que elijo amar. Si, ella es la única.
Pero, me gustaría configurar una práctica en el país. Y por qué no podríamos viajar entre ambos países?

share the ba ckground

Amo a la gente, y una de las razones por las que trabajó en medicina. Amo ayudar a las personas. Me especializo en Cardiología específicamente en marcapasos y dispositivos cardiacos. Lol, se podría decir que conozco el corazón de una persona muy bien. Asistí a una de las mejores universidades públicas de los estados unidos, en la UCLA. Me encanta viajar, más recientemente a Grecia y Colombia. Me encanta hacer ejercicio y pinto. Tengo dos gatos y un perro, lol mis bebes. Creo que conectar con una persona en un nivel emocional más profundo es mucho más importante que lo que está en un nivel físico. Valoro la mente y el alma de una persona.

Do you have a person who can make you happy? If so, who is this person?

Sí, he pensado en ella desde que la conocí

What makes someone attractive?

Físicamente, me siento atraído por los ojos de una mujer. Me dicen cómo te sientes realmente. Confianza, estabilidad, honestidad, lealtad y vida amorosa. Cualidades que comparto

Language: English