
Olivia Cesarah

Ask @oliviacesarah

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What is your perfect Sunday morning?

I just watched Black Mirror the first episode, the National Anthem. And I will say.....it quite disturbing. I remember I want to puke when the prime minister and pig scene came up. Yeah not a pro for movie like this
Liked by: Isnias I love kpop

What do you think about being girl in this patriarchy world? Are we being disadvantaged position?

For me being a girl, you just hold more card than others. Not a really good thing, but not so bad that you should cry that you discriminated. Remember play your card well, and you ready to rule

Ada gak sih film yang sangat memorable buat kalian? Whether it's really good or really sucks, thank you?

Legally blonde.
"Never underestimate girl with Harvard Law degree and french manicure!" - Legally blonde 2.
Because society always thinks that you can't never have it both: brain and beauty. Especially, girl that really pay attention to their looks and take care of their self well. I mean c'mon, it's 2016 people *rolling my eyes so hard*
Ada gak sih film yang sangat memorable buat kalian Whether its really good or

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kalo misalnya punya pekerjaan tapi males banget ke tempat kerja karena ga suka sama orang sekantor dan lingkungan tempat kerja, lebih baik resign atau lanjutin?

Is the pay worth it? I mean if you have incredibly good pay, but people & environment is not that nice and unbearable - suck it up. That's grown up do. Buuuuuuut if it's not worth the price, just go. And remember, don't burn the bridge if you don't have the exit. Find another work or something that makes money first, after that you can resign. Bills cannot paid itself remember.

Mind to share your favorite (or recommend) parfume? Have a good day!

I used Marc Jacob's daisy and Philosophy's grace. Sounds strange but I love soapy / clean linen smell...

PAP your style icon!

Ms. Abel Cantika @abellyc wearing our Hydrange False Lashes ? if she loved it, you would love it too!
To place your order and more information follow our official instagram account @lashatelier.id ????
PAP your style icon

Do you wish you could read someone's mind? Why?

Tadi aja gue denger temen dijahatin sama orang, diomongin gt dr belakang. Tapi omongannya super bitter bgt kayak........ gue tuh ga mikir orang bakal sejahat itu. Kayak it slapped me hard because internet persona can be so deceiving and so different and.... ah gatau tau deh gue masih shock
Terus gue mikir, gue aja ga sempet update ana itu mau ngerjain itu ini aja banyak bgt, tapi ada ya orang sempet jahatin orang lain. I thought ain't nobody got time for that.
Liat orang dijahatin aja gue pusing kenapa bisa gitu, apalagi bisa baca pikiran orang yg banyakan "niat"nya. Ga deh. Your mind is your personal space, include your dark secret in it. And your evil urge in it.

Liv why you stay single? I know some men chasing you over

I'm allergic to relationship.
Wkwkw boong deng.
I just feel....I don't need it now. I'm happy, I have some goals in my head, and at the same time belum ada yang cocok dan click. Yeah bukan lo aja sih temen2 bahkan mama nanya "pacarnya mana" tapi emang ada apa sih dengan single? Relationship is not something you proud to, it isn't like you achieve nobel or cum laude degree. Its just....relationship you know? That's it.
And someone said solitude (as in being single) is underrated in Indonesia. I mean, I found myself in my solitude. So yes, I refuse that jomblo jokes

Do you think it is possible to stay awake more than 48 hours without sleep? Have you experience it?

Mmm ga pernah sih. Cuma separah in between 48 hours gue tidur 2 jam. Itu juga karena nugas.
Gue pernah baca (sorry terlalu males ngeattach some kind of resources link) kalau tidur tuh salah satu mekanisme manusia untuk "mengatur informarsi". Jadi misalnya selama bangun kita banyak menyerap informasi, dari yg penting seperti tugas, kerjaan, bahkan sampai stranger faces. Di saat tidur itu semua di sorts sama otak kita, diatur supaya lebih rapih.
Makanya kalau mau ujian disuruh tidur yang cukup. Supaya setelah diatur yang rapi sama otak kita, terus bisa di replay dengan gampang.
Makanya gue kalau stress banyak tidur, bisa 12-14 jam sendiri #sepertialasan #bodoamat

Ih seru abis punya brand sendiri sekarang kak oliv

Yes madam, dream comes true bgt! Please support us ya madammm ?
Let's bloom with Lash Atelier ?
Ih seru abis punya brand sendiri sekarang kak oliv

Hi all ?

oliviacesarah’s Profile PhotoOlivia Cesarah
As a beauty-freak, I have exiciting news! This September I will release false lashes brand, Lash Atelier ??
Here's our philosophy:
Beauty is how you feel on the inside and it's reflected through your eyes.
In Lash Atelier, we believe every women should be able to look in the mirror and feel beautiful. Because we believe, everyday is celebration of beauty.
Proudly announce, Lash Atelier blooming soon?
For upcoming news, kindly follow our instagram account: lashatelier.id
Hi all
Liked by: rara Anggada Samira

kak kalo baju warna merah lipstik nya bagus warna apa ya untuk dipake siang bolong?

Warna merah juga because #embraceit
I mean just wear anything that you're comfort in. Ada teman aku yg pake lipstick hitam dan hijau pale Jefree Star di siang bolong. Lo pasti mikir ini orang apa bgt dan quirky. Buttttt, kalau lo ketemu sama anaknya ya dia asik2 aja tuh. Karena dia pede aja pake itu, jadinya gue jadi biasa aja. Terus malah mikir "keren juga ya pake lipstcik warna itu".
Its never been "what" dear, always been "why"
Liked by: Dana Iswara

ka ada rekomendasi bedak yg coveragenya bagus tp bahannya ringan gt ga ya??

Hmmm susah sih itu. Karena coverage biasanya itu hubungan sama berat juga. Coba NYX stay matte but not flat powder foundie (yang murah alias drugstore) atau Benefit cosmetics Hello Flawless powder foundation (favorite aku tapi mehong huhu)
Liked by: Dana Iswara

Kak, bourjois healthy balance compact powder cocok buat oily skin ga? Kalo dipake tanpa pke foundation hasilnya bagus ga?

Temen aku ada yg oily skin sih bagus katanya di dia. Tapi menurut aku tipe bedak ini harus barengan sm foundation, kalau ga ga terlalu covered hasilnya
Liked by: Dana Iswara

kak daily makeupnya apa?

Mmmmm banyak bgt stepnya? Aku tipe orang yg pake full face makeup karena aku suka bgt sm makeup

kak tmn kaka yg lulus dpt IP 4 itu punya ask.fm ngga??? aku terkesima bgt soalnya jd makin semangat buat belajar teknik kimia hehe PENGEN NANYA TIPS AND TRICKS JUGA YAALLAH DIA TIAP HARI BELAJARNYA GMN SIH SUBHANALLAH :')

Dia ga punya sih ask.fm. Hmm aku sekosan sih sama dia 3 tahun straight, dia di kamar lt 3 aku di kamar lt 1 (masih jaman dia dan aku ambil S1).
Kalau menurut aku cara belajarnya sama aja kok kayak orang kebanyakan. Perhatiin dosen di kelas, kerjain semua tugas, dan konsisten ngelakuin nya di tiap semester. Gue ama dia di kosan ga serius2 amat kok belajar, ya sure kita end up belajar sampai malem bgt jam 1/2 everyday, but because engineering major itself have a ridiculous amount of assignments. Bayangin dong suruh bikin pabrik dan sizing semua equipment di dalamnya, sampe bikin escape route sama estimasi biaya pembangunannya. Bikin tempe aja lama, apalagi bikin pabrik (apaan bgt).
Yang penting ngejalanin nya happy aja. Soalnya gue dan dia happy bgt ngejalanin kuliah. Nugas terus, tapi ketawa lebih banyak. Cenderung agak kayak ovj sih bentukan kita kalau belajar di kosan wkwkw

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Saturday mood? PAP! Change your profile emoji!

Saturday mood will be like ???????? because I met my university friends today! You know we are not the type of people who have a good instagram photo or hang out in nice cafe all the time like nowadays mainstream cool kids, instead we laugh at receh jokes, mure jokes like pantura dangdut things and having a real fun. The hashtag that match with us maybe #YouActuallyCanSitWithUs #AndHavingFun
Saturday mood PAP Change your profile emoji
Liked by: Piggy


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