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Do you like your life?

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I love my life.
No, I'm not rich or drive fancy cars. In fact my home is very small.
When you realize that being happy and enjoying life is actually very simple, things go a bit more smoothly.
Living life is finding out who you are made to be.
It's about getting out in the world and making mistakes that don't kill you or destroy you.
The majority of people's lives have highs and lows throughout. Some of those lows will make you want to give up: Don't.
Spend more time in nature and outdoors, get off the entertainment hamster wheel and find some nice friends that appreciate nature and life itself.
The ideas you seek are out there - expand your circle and find good folks to be around.
My personal opinion is that church folks are some of the best people in the world as well as the worst but I'd much rather be around people who feel it's wrong to lie, steal, hurt others or kill than it is to be around them.
If you're not involved in a local family church setting, go find one in your area and start attending.
You're not there to meet people, you're there to know more about the Creator and in doing so, you might just find new friends but a better life than you thought you could have.
NOTE: That's over 50 yrs. of living telling you that little secret.

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