

Ask @purfnation

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Each n every

alicia: MY BFF BECAUSE COOL HEHEHEHHEEH :-) she v cool and then we think alike and share the same interest yay!!!! :-) ily
yanning: she v quiet and she's my friend
ruth: v sporty and outgoing!! :-)
christy: she's my v good friend :-) she v cool also!! ((But I cooler)) SHE AND YUEYE COME IN A PAIR and got about what 7 boys like her aldy??? ((including other class))
crystal: she v chio and smart!! got a lot of boys like her also!:-) she's kind and friendly
yueye: SHES V COOL EXCEPT FOR THE PART THAT SHE DOESNT HAVE INSTGARAM AND she's a mugger!! get 6 A1 :-) she AND CHRISTY come in a pair!!! she's v caring and she's my v good friend also
qianhui: she's a hardcore mugger!!! :-) and her languages is v good i cant even she's v hardworking and serious in her work. she's v quiet!!
kirsty: great leader!! (-: have leadership skills and she's v nice to everybody.
jingyi: she's v friendly and helpful :-)
kayan: she's super tiny hahhHah and she's a Chinese dancer so kewl and she v smart :-)
weixian: sleeper hehhehe but quite friendly
shaoyun: hentai queen heheheheh :-) jkay!!! she's v nice and friendly and when she rants it's rly funny hahhaha i ship #mingyun she's my v good friend
qixuan: benjamin's girlfriend ah hehehe jk!!! her chinese very strong and she's v outgoing!!(-:
clara: anime lover!! she's v smart also!!
isabelle: vice chair!! she's v smart and friendly also :-)
beatrix: idk hahahha smart la :-)
chinyi: friendly and outgoing!!! funny at times! :-)
trifani: v friendly!! and smart :-) her d&t v good also!!
erin: 262 psle score student and she's v smart, no need study also can get 100 for geog!! :-) she's kind also!! and helpful :-)
eunice: chinese v good and she's v friendly and outgoing too!
jiayew: the most mature person i've ever seen!! :-) she cares a lot about her weight although she v skinny and she's v caring towards her friends
HongYu: v smart and my friend since p3!!!! :-)
jiatong: v smart!!! and friendly and have a nice voice!!
shaobin: smart
benjamin: cool
mingsong: not cool
jiale: no stamina
darren: mugger
mac: act cool
maverick: smart
minjun: smart
hongjun: computer genius
guanyang: smart
xavier: not cool
yongqi: tiny
trevor: act cool
jonathan: smart
yunrong: smart

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2nd part

cunjia: THE ARTIST OF THE YEAR she's paints/draws/sketches/ whatever v nice :-) then she never teach me. she's the art student and she v hardworking also!!!! shes v kind but she always tickle me during recess so i don't like her heh jk okay!!! she's a good friend and she's from S1-F!! :-)
sammi: my friend but we got into some quarrel then I forgive her but idk if she forgave me so forget it :-) but she's still considered my friend hahah!! she also v smart cause she go cedar girls bojio me ((heh bc my horrible results))
ruoxing: she's a v quiet girl but hardworking one!! she's v good in her languages and i v jealous :'(
yanni: my v good friend since p4!! but we got a lot of quarrels and crap but now we're still friends :-) different class but we still hang out!! ily bc she bought me present!! jkay not bc of that!! it's because she's v funny and she knows how to cheer me up okay thank u!! :-)
xinyan: WAHLAO is what i wanted to say to her because she v smart then go nygh then never jio me go!!! idk why suddenly her psle so good wah to the lao okay heard she v popular in ny bc she v cool and funny I ADMIT but sometimes v lame :-) ily also
valerie: ARTIST ALSO AND GOES TO RAFFLES WHY SHE SO SMART wahlao everyone go prestigious school :-) Valerie v hyper and outgoing!! i think she v friendly
ronicca: SAME AS VALERIE :-) but she's a bit quiet and she v hardworking!!
Xiaxin: shithead :-) jkay!! xx v funny and i spent time with her quite some times bc i sit with her!! her languages super good and her acting skills is wah okay i v jealous
megan: COOLEST
zhilin: SAME AS YANNI BUT YOURE FUNNIER IN FACT THE FUNNIEST bc you are the funniest hehe!! you light up my world like nobody else okay ily okay
Yizhen : smartass that goes to ny!! She's my friend also!! :-) okay

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Describe your primary school classmates excluding boys

yiqi: she v blur at times and she always sleep in class hehe!! she's been my classmate for six years :-)
ashley: vvv smart and sweet girl heheheh :-) and she go sng ip programme!! she v helpful also she's my v good friend
cherilyn: friends since p3!!! 811-buddie heh she's a v good friend that i can confide to and seek help from!! she's v smart, also in sng. jiayou for your mye!! you can do it
jielin: my bff!!!!! she's v funny and we always get super low marks for our exams/prelims ((or is it just me)) and we laugh cry eat and play together, we are definitely not hardcore muggers!!!! bc we cool :-) she's also in sng!! ((why so many ppl go sng)) and she is separated from me :'( we used to be super close and ily a lot!!
michelle: v lame girl ha bc her jokes not funny at all but she's v friendly and kind!! she always bully me heheheh on the bus and she say I'm noisy blah hehehe I know her since p4!! and now we're still in the same sec school. she's a v good friend also :-)
heli: helicopter ooh i'm not v close with her but we're from the cca!! so we usually bond during cca she v smart bc she get what???? 266+3 for psle ugh and she go raffles lol bojio me :'( she's v friendly la hahhaa
xinyi: v quiet but super smart because she go ny ((also never jio me go)) seldom talk to her bc she abit not sociable heheheh but i got see her wild side before when she's with xinyan, she'll a bit crazy heh :-)
zhiqing: in sng also!!! wtheckkk so many people go sng anyway I don't rly talk to her but now whenever i meet her i still will say hi :-)
kelly: vvv swag heheheh and she loves nothing but food lol. she's v cool and friendly and she keep calling me fat hahahah wtheck she's a v good friend of mine also :-)
siying: she's v friendly and kind and smart and good and sociable and cheerful and heh she's basically a happy-go-lucky girl and i like her a lot!! :-) she goes to rv and never jio me
fangxing: THIS IS A FRIKKIN OLD AUNTY HEH she's so smart until I cannot stand her she got like 260 or what i forgot then abandon me!!! And go ny. she's also considered as my bff bc she so cool ((but i cooler la)) she's v friendly and kind AND I MUST ADMIT THAT SHE HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR :-) that always makes me laugh okay thank u aunty :-)
jinghan: I don't rly talk to her so I don't know her that well but she's still a friend :-) she's v smart ok she go ny
yiro: super chio girl who's been in my class for 3 years!!!! and now she's in the same sec school but diff class!:-) she's v kind and hardworking ((always get v high marks)) then i'm so jealous ha better give me all your marks :-)

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Hi!!! Rate 6 Respectful and your days in Chongfu???

10/10 because it's perfect :-) we're bonded together and there are rly all sorts of people inside 6 respectful '13 and that is what makes us a class!! :-) we've been through many ups and downs but we've conquered it alas!!! we've moved on to our sec school life however i'll always remember them bc each and everyone of them make up my childhood life!! :-) love them a lot!!
my days in chongfu were pretty fun!! though i faced problems, setbacks, failures and sort of things. however, on the brighter side, i have my rly fab friends that stood by my side, encouraging and cheering me!! :-) those days spent with them were the most memorable ones!! and i would rly remember those!!! :-)


Language: English