

Ask @purfnation

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tbh I think you're really cool and I don't think you know me but hi I'm your senior from nchs : ) You're from 1A right? I always walk pass your class during recess but I don't know if you know I'm from upper sec, the next time i see you I'll be sure to say hi ; )

supp!! and thank you :-) tell me what's your name if we meet next time ok huehuehue :-)
Liked by: maxine lee xy

Wat do u think of yueye?

she so damn cool ok ((but i cooler)) and funny huehuehue :-) she's maybe one of the funnier people in our class because basically our class people they are lame hehe I think she'll make a v good friend bc she damn caring one. she likes to make jokes but when it comes to work she is v serious oh and she's christy's bff huehuehue :-) they make a good match.

Describe Erin

my first impression was hardcore mugger!! :-) because she just keep on studying studying and studying plus she scored like 262 and she came to our school???? lmao but then when you hang out with her, she's actually v funny and she's v kind. she's like the A+++ student bc she ace in everything like literally. :-( she makes me so damn scared bc she always do her homework huehuehue :-) unlike me. so i think she's a vvv good friend bc she actually cares about her friends and she motivates me to study although i don't rly care hehehe and i even pissed her off oops so ahh she's just ugh great :-)
Liked by: maxine lee xy christyy

Any songs to recommend?

yep ofc!!! :-) my personal favourites are
team - lorde
the a team - ed sheeran
pretty brown eyes - cody simpson
notice me - alli simpson
do i wanna know - arctic monkeys
why'd you only call me when you're high - arctic monkeys
crystallised - the xx
angels - the xx
sweater weather!!!!! - the nbh
nightingale - demi lovato
never gonna leave this bed - maroon 5
all too well - taylor swift
give your heart a break - demi lovato
stay - mayday parade
there are many more!! actually :-) i'm currently more into alternative or indie band music like arctic monkeys, the nbh, the xx and mayday parade. some songs by demi lovato, lorde are amazing too!! do go check those songs out :-))
Liked by: maxine lee xy

Who was the last person you met today?

i last met a bunch of people huehuehue :-) basically they are those people who went for mtp!!! like erin xavier and jiale and some of the people from other classes
Liked by: maxine lee xy christyy

What do you think ask.fm has, that no other site has?

YOU CANNOT FRIKKIN UNLIKE ANSWERS LIKE omgggg??? like for etc that i'm stalking someone then my v fat fingers will accidentally ugh hit the like button and i'm like what the heckkkkk unlike pls omgg :'(

Some music that you like?

uhm :-) i've recently been into some alternative/indie band music bc I find it so nice perhaps the neighbourhood and mayday parade, on top of that i think arctic monkeys are pretty damn amazing too ;-) not to forget songs by cody simpson ahh my favourite hehe :-) maroon 5 and paramore have some v good music too!!
Liked by: maxine lee xy christyy

Is nan chiau stress?

as in the workload or??? if it's the workload and related, i think it's ok hahah but i do indeed feel a little stressed bc of my horrible maths test results and art!! :-(
Liked by: maxine lee xy christyy

Language: English