
Raya Karima

Ask @rayakjannata

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kak kenapa suka dancing in the rain?

because its fun to melepas penat and be stupid for a moment to enjoy basah”an in the rain.

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haloo raya, desc dongg hehe

haloo syifuy! syifaa itu anak 8a bareng egaa, syifa itu exny vietto HAHA tp smpe skrg masi satu padu, syifa itu cakeup , and kita itu cinta bgtbgtt sm yg namany sekos HAHAH💯💯
Liked by: syifase. Raya Karima

desc rayy🙋

omaaiii, haloo dinda!
jadi dinda ini anak 8f sekelas sm yudha si raja minyak!1!1! uyey. trs dinda itu orgny asik trs tabah banget ngedengerin gw bacot ttg .... dinda, trs dinda ituu penerusny orglah org, dinda itu rajin nan suka menyatat
Liked by: Raya Karima din.


Language: English