
Rubber Ducks

Ask @rebeccajacoby

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Confession: I thought you'd be one of those mean people in our grade when I first stepped in aisd but you're so nice and a good friend of me so :D

what do i just give off a mean vibe ??????
Liked by: Max Mangus

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Name a person u know has a good Handwriting in ur Grade,advisory, or any class ??

Stella's handwriting is literally the most perfect thing on the surface of this planet wow
Liked by: Astrid

whats ur opinion on the discussion on astrids profile about compliments "not meaning anything more" just because everyone is included?

i think astrid is 198% right
i mean, if you come to think of it, the compliment is really sweet and nice
but it would mean a lot more if someone took time out of their day to send a compliment to one specific person
if someone sent "you're pretty" to everyone, that doesn't mean they think you're pretty
it means they just want to make you feel good and send you a compliment
it's still a compliment, it just looses it's value when you send the same exact thing to every single person on ask.fm
it doesn't mean that person actually thinks you're attractive or whatever
Liked by: charlotte Astrid

Yes I'm tired of deleting dance pics with my dark armpits flailing around. I shave them. But the darkness doesn't go away. It's not even like few shades darker. My armpits are like, brown. Yes. Brown. Maybe it's because I've lived here all my life <3

okay honestly life isn't a deodarent advertisment
it's not like you see a cute guy and he walks over and you put your arm up and he sees your armpits and is like "omg she has dark armpits i can't date her" and then you have a sad life with no job or family because of your armpits
nobody cares about the color of your armpits bby
Liked by: fahmid

YOU are a super funny person but can be a little scary at times ( just sayin) I would not be the same with out you, you are amazing and can lighten up anyones day! YOU are Amazing! don't let the haters bring you down girl! The school would be a different place with out you! You Rock and Roll!!!! :)

right back atcha buddy


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