
Rubber Ducks

Ask @rebeccajacoby

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Thoughts on jiah.....?

Jiah is one of my advisory buddies. She's so cool and she's really funny. She's really open about things, which is a good change once in a while. She's also really pretty and I think she's under appreciated for her prettyness. Hehe, well anyway, she's just a really fun person to talk to and she has reallyreally good food. :3

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Thoughts on Rayna?

Where do I begin. (I will make this as sappy as possible)
I LOVE RAYNA. She's so funny, and we have so many memories together. She can always make me laugh with her awkward stories. I honestly miss her so much, and I wish she had never left. 7th grade would have been so much better with her. Rayna is so gorgeous and I love her style. She has always been there for me, and she helps me get through a lot of problems. She also listens to me rant, which is a plus!! Although we have kind of a love hate relationship, I still do love her! (Sh, don't tell her). And to end this off, I must ask you all to call her Mammal fibrocartiledge. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU GURL. :3

Thoughts on Astrid? :)

I can't really type very well rn but I can give it a try.
So Astrid is honestly the best person ever. She is the most supportive best friend I have ever had, she's so nice and she can ALWAYS brighten my day. She's one of the only people that can put up with my CONSTANT ranting, and I can hardly do that, haha. We have so many memories together and I will miss her so much when she leaves!! She's so gorgeous and has amazing style, she's so creative and such a sweetie. We used to argue so much but now we're getting better, and she usually just says "OKAY!" or "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" to everything I say because I can get very very annoying. And last, I love that girl, she's just so awesome! I'll miss her SO SO much and I don't know what I'm gonna do without her next year! I LOVEE YOU GUURL <33
Liked by: Astrid

Do you prefer books or movies?

Well books take a long time to read, and I never have time. But I love books. But then again movies are awesome, and they always make me feel better. So I guess both.

thoughts on laura?

As she said, we're lesbocatmonkeybuddies. Laura is such an amazing person, she's always there for me, I can ALWAYS trust her and she has helped me through so much since fourth grade. We have the most amazing memories and all my classes would not be the same without her. That girl is gorgeous and she's amazing at like everything she does. Aaaanywhale, I'm really gonna miss her when she leaves. And I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna run around like a confused turtle and be like "LAAURA!" Ugh.
Liked by: Laura Herren

Thoughts On Albert In 7th Grade

Albert - He's such a funny guy and it was a lot of fun having him in my group during class trips. He really helped me during climbing and stuff and like that and I'm glad he was there. I'm also really relieved that he didn't get mad at me for pouring his drink all over him, hahah. Yeah, that was funny. Anyway, he's really nice and funny. (:
Liked by: I M 2 6 C 4 U :p


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