
Rubber Ducks

Ask @rebeccajacoby

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come on, just stop already. I don't understand how people are friends with you.

hahah, i honestly don't either i'm so rude it's not even funny. c;
oh and anon, if i'm "oh so mean" then what are you, sending me anonymous hate? :-)
Liked by: I M 2 6 C 4 U :p

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Why did you deactivate Facebook?

i don't like the people there, or most of them.
it takes up too much time. :'c

why do you hate screenshots on snapchat?

because it's stupid! the point of snapchat it so be able to send unattractive selfies or whatever to someone and they can only see it for a certain amount of time. and when you screenshot stuff, it completely goes against that. it's so annoying and i have decided to no longer snap people who take screenshots. x :-)

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

well, if i were talking to my fish i would tell them to "stop sucking on the glass because it freaks the fuck out of me".
Liked by: I M 2 6 C 4 U :p

How would you ask your crush out on a date and if you were scared to tell the person?

well that won't really work if you're afraid to tell the person that you like him.
it has to be random.
just get all your courage together, go up to him/her, smile and say "would you like to go out some time?" or something like that.
just be nice and don't be pushy.
and DO NOT say "it's your choice, you know" because obviously, it's their choice.
hope i helped. x


Language: English