

Ask @recoverypixie

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hi! wanna ask you how did u get back your period :)

Hahaha I guess it came back when I got back to a good healthy weight! And also, no exercise before my period returned and I ate quite a bit of healthy fats that really did help! Like PB, avocados, nuts, etc! :)

Hello, I keep feeling vvv bad about myself now that my pants during my worst Ed days can't fit me anymore .... Do u have such thoughts when recovering?

HAHAHAHAHAHA OF COURSE!!!!!! But pants are pants! Material and insignificant :) I know it's easier said than done but just think about it! Clothes are meant to fit us, not the other way around! If you are radiating genuine joy, nobody will care what size of pants you are wearing :)

does your bf get upset that you choose to eat at home instead of with him?

Haha he doesn't!!!!! :) I try to eat at home as much as possible if my family is at home and he really encourages it too! ☺️

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heyy i am kinda worried. Is a bmi of 20 okay for a teenage girl? Cuz that's my doctors target weight for me...

Of course it's okay dear it's a healthy BMI!!!!! Let the doctors do the worrying about your health for you dear that's their job :) But on your part, focus on being happy :) BMI 20 or not, nobody can tell. But they can tell whether you're genuinely happy or not and I hope you will be hehe ??

Hi Calista , are you going to start work straight after graduation or are you going to take a break?

I hope to be able to start work after a few months of break!!! But that's if I manage to find a job first ???

Hi Calista! While on exchange did you befriend any locals or do you just stick to your Singaporean friends?

I stuck to my one friend I was close with and hid in my room a lot HAHAHAHAHAHA! Didn't socialize much ?

Hi Calista , just wondering during your worst Ed days how much do you usually eat in a day? I'm currently only eating a slice of bread a day and I know I m destroying my body but I m so scared to eat: recovery seems so impossible

Gosh a slice of bread is definitely not enough dear!!!!!!!! How do you expect your body to survive! It's like expecting a car to move without petrol. Babe I do advice for you to seek professional help if it's possible!!!!! ???????

How do you cope with bbi? I feel so worthless staring at myself in the mirror :(

I do get those days too...... But support and reassurance from ppl always helps :) I guess, it's about telling yourself that the feelings will pass. That it's all in your head. You are not just your appearance and weight. Your smile, kindness, presence, all this is what makes a person beautiful and I guess it'll help if you focus on that :) Idk about you but I'd definitely love to hang out with someone kind and funny and genuine, as compared to someone selfish and self-absorbed but skinny. Yknow what I mean? :)

Calista, how long did it take for your weight to stabilize? And do u experience bloating in your initial stage of recovery?

I really don't know if my weight has stabilized HAHAHAHA! But I haven't weighed myself too! I don't wanna care about my weight :) I want to focus on my feelings and health! If I'm healthy and happy, I'll take the weight that I am at :)
YESSSSS I bloated so much omgoshhhhhh and till now I still get bloating too though not as bad! Initially it was so painful everytime I ate ???

How do you stop yourself from counting calories? I can't stop myself from checking out the calories of food and then subconsciously counting them while eating ?

It's a conscious effort to force yourself! Delete any calorie counting apps, don't sum them up, take it step by step! First stop counting one meal, then two, force yourself to push the counting thoughts out of your head! It's like training but for your mind :) It really shouldn't matter!!!!! Calories are energy units for your body yknow hehe :)

helloo is it normal to gain 1kg a week in recovery? i am alr in my 5th week of recovery :/

Hey dear :) I think you shouldn't be focusing on the rate of weight gain! There's no normal weight gain rate! Everyone's body is different! But if your end goal is to be healthy, how fast really doesn't matter! You have to push on ok it will be uncomfortable but hey, it's gonna make you so strong and healthy and happy I promise!!!!! ???

izit you are a sunshine heheheh, love your positivity ?? STAY HAPPY ALWAYS HOHOHOHO

HAHAHAHAHA SO CUTEEEEE ??? I'm a star cuz...... Cali STAR ? Lel so lame HAHAHAHAHA! Aww you're so sweet hehe :') ?

thank you for being so positive and cheery always, it's so infectious haha I can't help but smile inwardly whenever i read your posts cos I do feel your happiness and excitement ? stay happy always, and may god continue to bless you ?

AHHHHHH HAHAHA SO SWEET!!!!!!! You made me smile too dear hehehe :) Hope you'll have a lovely day today and radiate positivity and joy too ❤️?

My Ed developed from a desire to lose weight too, but unfortunately it spiraled out of control. Really want to snap out of Ed but it so difficult like nobody around me understands

Hey dear, I do understand :) Many do!!!!! Just don't be afraid to ask for someone to talk to!!!!! I'm here :) Yeah everyone's ED developed from somewhere but I guess it's not an endroad, but a bump in the road :) You'll get through this ok!!!!!!! How have you been doing!

love how cheery and positive you are :') don't ever lose that alrights, thanks for all the sunshine you bring ??

Awwwww!!!!! Hehehe you made my day too ?? Thank you so much dear!!!!!!! I hope you find joy in your daily life too and I'm really honoured to be able to offer some positivity hehe ?????? I'm sure you'd go on to pass this positivity to those around you :') ?

hi callista where do you get your clothes from hehe!! v proud of everything youve achieved hehe :')

Awwww thank you!!!!!! Hehehe you're so sweet :') ❤️ I get my clothes from various sources but the ones I frequent are The Editors' Market, TEMT, Bershka and blogshops!!!!! If you specify which piece of clothing I can tell you where I got it from! ☺️☝?

Hi Calista! I m in yr 1 of nus just wanna ask you , for the sem break from May-August will there be lectures scheduled? Or is it like a legit break

It's a legit break babe!!!!!! Enjoy and have fun!!!! Hehehe but study hard for finals first ok :)

What is 1 thing you will do after you graduate from school?

Sleep the whole day and watch dramas and cook and bake omg!!!!!!!! I sound like such a boring stay at home girl hehehe but that's honestly what I wanna do now ?

Hello cali!!!! :) Been following you for some time now and i really love how kind and positive and polite you are :') Anyway!!! Just wanted to ask u if u actually drop more hair aft starting recovery and if you're still dropping hair? My hair's been falling out so much argh T_T

Omg yesssss I'm still dropping hair now!!!!! It's okay though my doctor told me that it's because new hair is growing in place :) Don't worry too much!!!!! Just do what you can to regain your health, your body will take care and restore itself ?? Jiayou okay!!!!!!! I hope your hair will hurry up and regain its health but more imptly I hope you find back your health and happiness with yourself too :)

how did you started having ed ?

Hahahahaha long storyyyyyy but basically I wanted to lose weight to look better and I got addicted to weight loss? ?

Hmmm recently I've been eating a lot more than I used to but somehow my weight doesn't really increase.... do u hv any tips for healthy weight gain?

Hahaha I think you should consult a dietitian who can better give you a meal plan that suits your needs babe :) But what helped me was drinking milk, PB, avocados!!!!! They helped me regain my period too ☺️


Language: English