
Rifanni Putri Andina

Ask @rifanniputria

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Lebih suka cowok yg pendiam atau yg banyak omong?

both are okay with me. I’m a typical of talkative person, so when I’m with cowok pendiem, I guess I can balanced him. And if I have to be with cowok banyak omong, it’s good either because we can share our story to each other😄
Liked by: Teh kotak Alaikal TARO

long desc 💞💓

you're the dumb-fucking-annoying person evuuur. but u're still be my fav partner to fight with. it's really weird when we just quite calm without arguing any stupid little things. you're smart as hell (I have no idea about physics, and you do really well on it). I'll admit that you're so pretty even you haven't admitted.
bonus pap:

Marhaban ya Ramadhan everyone! 😉 Maafin kalo ada salah dan khilaf ya! :)) Semoga Ibadah nya lancar dan semoga selalu semangat untuk menjalani bulan penuh berkah ini 💪💪 amin :)

iyaaa mb yessi. selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa ;) semoga dosa-dosa kita juga diampuni amin x)

What is your definition of pure happiness?

happiness is when you can find partner who support you no matter what. a partner that you can share stories and experiences with. glad knowing that we have someone or people who care and love us, beside our own fams. I love all my besties. I have some when I was in senior high school (it doesn't mean we are not besties anymore, we're besfriend forever and ever but distance make we have no time to hangout or catch up)
this photo is one of my besties in college. she's the nice one.

menurut kamu mantan bisa jadi teman atau sahabat ga? alasannya?

tergantung sih.
kalo udah move on dan satu circle pertemanan sajak awal yaaaa santai ajaaaa. jd temen kongkow ga ada masalah😀
tapi kalo ga satu circle, mau udah move on juga mana bisa sih temenan lagi?!?

What would you do if you’re down and need some motivational advices

i’m not longer believe that we can successfully move up again from a hole of depression or failure simply because of motivational advices.
no matter how much advices you got from peoples, if you don’t have your own motivation, I think it doesn’t give any effects to you.
Just think again why you started it all, think again what will happen if you give up, think again about your future. don’t worry, bad thing shall pass. Everybody has their own sucks, you are not alone! Good luck❤️
Liked by: Laili TARO

Bantu kasih saran dong. Di datengin mantan terus tiba tiba dia menyesali kesalahannya dab bikin yakin kita, terus baper lagi udah baper terus kita di tinggal sama gebetan barunya Enaknya di apain ya ?

gausah diapa apain, tp pastiin lo ga sebodoh itu mau maunya dipermainkan.
Liked by: Alaikal TARO

Halo semuaa apa kabar? Baik baik aja? Atau lg nangisin mantan biar dia balik lagi?ehehek🍟

Ini napa dah question box w pada nanyain hal yg berbau mantan😪
Duileeeeh, gapernah inget mantan selain sebatas “yah, dia emg dulu pernah jd orang yg penting sih dalam idup w.” No more than that. Apalagi ngarep balikan 😂 sama yg sekarang aja udah bersyukurnya luar biasaaaaaa 💖💖💖
Liked by: RS TARO

Ada yang punya olshop accesories atau kecantikan yg recommended ga?

no but I’d recommend you an event decoration instead. So if you want to make your decoration looks so fab just reach @messy.yetpretty (on instagram) 👌👌👌
Liked by: Nay TARO

Membenci atau memaafkan? Give ur reason!

memaafkan. meskipun butuh waktu yg lama. haha. yaelah hidup cuman sekali bro ngapain benci sama orang lain. buang2 waktu dan tenaga.
kadang bukan benci juga sih, tp mending perasaan netral gitu. gak suka gak benci juga.
Liked by: Dewi Laili Ekayani


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