
Rose Bridges

Ask @sailortralfamadore

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Is there a genre of music that you feel deserves your attention that you just can't get into?

I answered a previous question kind of like this. I can't get into metal. At all. I hear there is some really interesting and creative metal, but everything I've heard of it turns me off.
Other than that, I'm really open-minded about music. Even stuff you'd never expect out of "conservatory-educated musician"/"former classic rock snob". I like quite a lot of rap and hip-hop! I like country (well, I like OLD country). I like a lot of really stupid pop music. But metal is just NOPE for me. I have no idea why.

Think of five things you do way too often and make a drinking game out of your life.

SchrodingrsMatt’s Profile PhotoMatt Von Gonten
1. Procrastinate (oh god I'd be in a coma in five minutes). Even stuff I enjoy doing! It's like things I enjoy doing, once I HAVE TO, I don't wanna do them. It's pathological.
2. Snap my fingers to music. This is a habit I've only developed in the last year and I'm not sure why. I can do it really fast, too! Thank you, years of playing large string instruments.
3. Pause a movie or show I'm watching to do something else and then forget it's open.
4. Drink Diet Coke. I am alarmingly addicted to Diet Coke.
5. Take my anger over some real-life issue out on the Internet (usually Tumblr, not Twitter. Tumblr is just constant kindling for flamewars).
Liked by: Matt Von Gonten

Favorite psychedelic rock album(s)?

My no. 1 favorite album of all time is a psychedelic rock album: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. (I swear, not ALL my favorites are so "Rolling Stone Top 500 albums"!) What are some other ones I like?
Top 5 would probably be:
1. Sgt. Pepper (Beatles)
2. Revolver (Beatles)
3. Forever Changes (Love)
4. Axis: Bold as Love (Jimi Hendrix Experience)
5. Odessey and Oracle (The Zombies)
Others I really like: I really enjoy early Pink Floyd, when Syd Barrett was their frontman and when they were psychedelic-oriented, so Piper at the Gates of Dawn. (I like that stuff better than the later, post-Barrett Floyd, with the exception of Dark Side... unpopular opinion, I know!) The 2011 Smile Sessions release/re-issue (since a lot of that stuff was available in Beach Boys "rarities" box sets and such earlier) was my obsession when it came out, and was all I listened to for a good three months or whatever. Ogden's Nut Gone Flake by The Small Faces is a really underrated one in the USA, but very good. All of Jimi Hendrix's albums (Axis is just my favorite). The Who Sell Out and The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society, if they count. Back to our side of the Atlantic: the 13th Floor Elevators are really underrated and Easter Everywhere is a great album. I will probably think of five more after I posted this. (Btw, as much as I love the Velvet Underground, I don't really consider them psychedelic rock. In terms of "big 1967 groups I'm leaving out" here. I know some people do, but I think that while they definitely did their fair share of drugs, they were coming stylistically and culturally from a completely different, arguably opposite place.)
So I'm generally more into the British psychedelica than the American, but the American ones I adore (Beach Boys, Love) I REALLY REALLY ADORE.

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Do you own any anime figures? Any you'd be really interested in getting.

MadScientist212’s Profile PhotoM Hollingsworth
I own a few FMA and (bootleg, I found out...) Hetalia one-coins, and that plastic Rei in an innertube thing I just tweeted about, if those count. Otherwise, nope.
I seriously considered getting a Misato Katsuragi one at Anime Boston that was really nice and like $40. I'd like one of her or one of Asuka that isn't too fanservicey. (As much as I love other ladies, sexualized teenage girls makes me feel icky.) I'd also be totally game for a Roy Mustang figurine, if I could find a good one that isn't super-expensive. Or one of Wolfwood. Basically, any character I really really like :-)
I do have some figurines for characters from Western cartoons, though. I have an entire set of the main characters from Yellow Submarine (not just the Beatles, but the main Blue Meanies, too). And of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd from the "What's Opera Doc?" short. I'll have to remind my parents of that if I acquire some anime figurines and they bug me about it. I mean, they bought me those Yellow Submarine and Looney Tunes ones!

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are there any two anime that you think make really good companion pieces?

Two very different anime that both use music better than...most other works of film I've seen, let alone other anime, are Cowboy Bebop and Princess Tutu. In both, it interacts with the story/stories and how they're commenting on other works of fiction. It would be really interesting to do a compare/contrast between them in that regard.

What are some of your favorite anime films?

rossdickerhoof’s Profile PhotoKitKatAddiction
I've been asked this before and the problem is I haven't seen that many? It's a big hole in my anime viewing habits. I particularly need to watch some more Satoshi Kon films.
Uh... I've seen some Miyazaki and my favorite of his is Princess Mononoke. Also seen a lot of tie-in films to series I liked, and my favorite in that vein would probably be the Cowboy Bebop

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

I've taught music composition lessons to teenagers and I would gladly do it again, that a was a lot of fun.

What is your favorite non-social networking website?

Autostraddle - and no, this isn't "shameless plug", they were my favorite even before I started working there.

What are your thoughts on Conqueror of Shambala? Would you be in the "Take it" camp or the "Leave it" camp?

I...would take it! Mostly. I understand why other people don't like it, since it's definitely not as good writing-wise as the main series, but I think people can be a little too hard on it sometimes. (As someone who has actually read quite a lot of FMA fanfiction, it's not "fanfic-quality", c'mon.)
I should acknowledge that 1920s Germany is one of my weaknesses fiction-wise; it's an era that I'm really interested in that is underutilized in fiction (imo), and so if a work is set in it, I'm probably going to like it unless it's really inaccurate or something. And CoS is not, for the most part. The only real criticism in that regard I have is that I think they make the Nazis look way more powerful than they actually were in 1923, but besides that it's clear the team did their research, and most of the inaccuracies beyond that are just nitpicky stuff that doesn't really matter.
The issues I do have with the movie were: I think Dietlinde Eckhart is a terrible, terrible villain. People with that kind of deep prejudice are never that self-aware about it, and she just comes across as an unrealistic character shoehorned in to Make A (stupid) Point, and I think FMA 2003 can do way better than that. (Mangahood has some characters like that, but even then, they're handled with way more finesse and believability than Eckhart is.) In fact, for all the ways the main series was a really sophisticated examination of what could lead otherwise good and rational people to follow a Nazi-like government, CoS sells the actual Nazis kinda short with how it handles Eckhart and her cronies. I thought the new characters in general were pretty bland, too (sorry, Alfons Heiderich fans). One of my friends said the movie would've been stronger if Envy had been the main villain, exploring his animosity and baggage with Ed a bit more, and the Nazis/Thules had been some secondary issue, and I'm inclined to agree with that.
What I like about it, though? The visuals are top-notch definitely, especially the cinematography (especially especially the contrast between our world and Amestris in that regard). The music is great, like Oshima's score for the original series was. And I really like some of the stuff it does with the existing main characters. I really liked how it explored Ed's and especially Roy's psychological states, and the decision to have Roy be all traumatized in the wilderness. People complain about that a lot, because it makes him a sad pathetic figure rather than the badass he was in the series, but as a huge Roy Mustang fan I think it tied in with his character development perfectly. I love watching the man suffer under the burden of all his baggage. And now he's got more, and he doesn't have a larger goal to distract him... of course he's going to lose it. (Can you tell I've spent a lot of time defending his characterization in this movie?)

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Have you seen Haibane Renmei? If so, what did you think of it?

I have not, but I'll let you know when I do!

Favorite Attack on Titan character(s)?

Originally it was Hange, who is still a favorite, but I'm really warming up to Ymir and Reiner with the reveals about them in (relatively, now) recent chapters of the manga. Both characters seem like the story plans to take them in some interesting places. NOW SHOW US WHAT THEY'RE UP TO, DAMMIT. IT'S BEEN TOO LONG.
And the development and backstory Historia has had in the latest chapters makes her a lot more interesting, too. Can't wait to see her reunited with Ymir and what comes of that, since while she clearly still loves her, Historia also seems aware now that Ymir was manipulating her to some extent.
Liked by: Eric

What are some characteristics you really like seeing in lady characters?

A big one that is important to me is her having at least one motivation that doesn't revolve around a guy - I think that's because I'm really tired of hearing characters described as "feminist" who are wrapped up in some dude and nothing else (*cough cough* Riza Hawkeye *cough*). It just seems like this basic, basic thing in terms of showing that you value the inner lives of women and their potential as characters in and of themselves, and not just as plot devices to further men's stories. And it really says a lot about the author's attitudes toward women if s/he (because women do this, too) can't imagine women having other motivations in their lives besides men. I've seen so many stories where this is a pattern among the women in them and it's very frustrating.
Of course, there are real women who are that guy-oriented, so I don't think there should never be characters like that, and I can think of a few that were handled well: Mikasa Ackerman, for one. But Mikasa is important to the story for more than who she is to Eren; it values her own potential and depicts her own inner life. Her codependence with him is acknowledged and shown as unhealthy. So I still think she's a good character. Plus, Attack on Titan's other female characters have different motivations and those get their own development and plot importance. It really shows a diversity of women in its cast.
Honestly, this really ties into a lot of things I personally like in female characters. For example, I like to see women who grapple with mental illness or disabilities, since those depictions in media are usually male. But - make it about HER issues with it. Don't use her as some quirky Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Don't make her pain about how it affects another character, especially a male one. (Actually, that's a good thing to avoid with mentally-ill characters in general; the media too often characterizes people like that as burdens on others around them, rarely caring what they THEMSELVES think.)
I think that while, ideally, the rules for writing women should be the same as writing men, in our sexist society it's still important to be aware of some common sexist stereotypes in media that impact how women are treated in the real world. The idea that we're nothin' without a man, is one of those things, and so writers should be careful about avoiding that with female characters, even if they are really hung up on a guy. I think the key here is (to quote John Green) "imagine people complexly" - male writers just need to
realize that women are as complex as they are and stop seeing them as some mysterious other species. (And female writers with internalized sexism need to stop listening to what men think women are, I guess?)

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If you could only watch one anime series, what would it be?

Probably FMA. I am just full of surprises tonight!
Or maybe Utena, since that would never get old. There'd always be new things to pull apart and analyze!

Are you frightened or curious about the future?

Curious. I mean, I'm in my mid-20s, still got a lot of future to go (ideally), right?

If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

I've been really angry all week so how about "You Oughta Know"

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

Well I've actually done this before so... yes?

What habit that others have annoys you most?

Cracking knuckles makes me really nervous for some reason.

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

'70s Woody Allen movies are really easily rewatchable I think I have at least 3/4 of the Annie Hall script memorized with how many times I've seen it.

What are you busy with today?

Working on my thesis and two articles, and studying for comprehensive exams

Do you tolerate heat or cold better?

Cold. I am a child of the frigid northern borderlands (Detroit). I know cold. It's the 90-degree East Coast summers that melt me.


Language: English