

Ask @sha_faizal

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is that possible bestfriend(boy&girl) to be in love? yes or no? explain (10marks)

depends on who that person is. kalau bestfriend gila gila (me & amir), its IMPOSSIBLE.
bcs love<friendship<family
amir tu mcm kawan dunia akhirat u know. he's like my mom dad family dah. tau everything about me. so i love him so much & love this relationship. i dont wanna ruin it just for the sake of IN LOVE in the term of GEWE.
so the answer is NO. from my perspective.

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list your 10 beautiful friends

yang ni pun ikut ranking
10. afylalola
9. kaklong suzuran
8. nadee suzuran
7. syaaa suzuran
6. afifah afif suzuran
5. putreeo tkc
4. akak bwp masscom sovereign
3. anis nadia sovereign
2. puteri jasmin sovereign
1. isteri kepada bakal suami aku ;p

list your 10 handsome friends

wow soalan you. haha. ni ikut ranking tau.
10. Sayuthi Dope
9. Kesha Dope
8. Azmi Dope
7. Shafiq Rahim TGB
6. Amirul Asraff TGB
5. Myrol Suzuran
4. Icam Suzuran
3. Alham Sovereign
2. Ilyas Suzuran
1. Bakal suami aku. g la mampus sape pun.

first impression when you meet me?

ANAK ORANG KAYA BAJET BAGUS BAJET LEADER BAJET BRANDED BAJET NAK MAMPOS. tapi sekarang kau baik dgn aku. hehegehehegeheege

ape kata describe shereen plak. hee ;)

Adnin Shereen
alamak. hehe. adui. hmm adnin genius. bdk baik. skema. mmg doctor material. ehem ehem qimi. aha apa lagi. cantik tu takyah cakap la kalah neelofa. hehe. aduh taktahu la. overall mmg adnin ni muslimah yang baik la senang cter. keep up the good vibes. :*
Liked by: Adnin Shereen

If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

Lewls. i'd choose KFC pasir mas. serious ayam dia disgusting gila. tak masak. ada darah lg. uwekkk
Liked by: shafiq

successful - accomplishing a desired aim or result.

no. because everyone's goal in life varies. why should i be jealous tho

would you be jealous if someone that you used to love is more successful than you?

define successful

What are the things you always take with you?

spec, perfume, phone, purse, handbag, earpod, charger, powerbank, mineral water.

'The more you try to forget, the more you remember'... Have you ever feel this way? If yes, is it possible for me to accept this as another way to memorize things in class? ;wW

haha idk. sorry. not really good in this matter
Liked by: Nad.

7 value you see in me

sheikh basheer
hai basheer. huhu. hmm value eh.
1. LEADERSHIP. of course la bwp kan. u made a good bwp last 2 years.
2. LOYAL LOVER. obviously u are.
3. TRUSTWORTHY. ppl can trust u. it shows who u are
4. FRIENDLY. u blend w people verrrryyy well. blh masuk dgn semua ah cakap
5. HANDSOME. in your own way. build up your abs lad!!
6. aku migraine
7. doakan aku masuk U :(
Liked by: sheikh basheer

Any tips for me to make your heart melt to the ground?

i dont have a heart anyway so no tips. sorry

Hahahah. Diyan lagi la phone betul2 cikai. #takdecamera #happyAdahonenik #bolehamikgambar

ada hati nak amik gambar dgn syamsul yusuf. phone pun galaxy Y je. gambar kalau zoom sikit terus keluar gambar macam dari planet namek.

Hahaha kan . :3 pakai fon manade emoji ni bagai kehkeh. Bateri fon nik habis hahahahah

haha sedih gila masa tu. sadisss. #masihnoob #camera360 #rasadahlegend

Aku nampak kau skip no 4. Kasi lagi satu.

ALAAAAAAAA DALAM MASYARAKAT CINA, num 4 tu bawak nasib malang. huhu.
4. kau handsome. k dah cukup. jangan tanya lagi *syuh syuh*

Describe 5 more things about me other than the 5 that you give just now xD

KAU NI KENAPAbnbznajafajsgsgagav
aku ngantuk dalam ktm ni dhgajwgakavshhss
1. HEARTLESS. kadang2 kau ni hati kering. macam hitler
2. LIBERAL. liberal la jugak. liberal bukan apa, masa aku freehair & pakai tudung tomey2, layanan kau kat aku sama je. tak berubah. dalam masa yg sama kau tau nak bg hint utk tegur aku bapak ah hebat doe kau ni gila ah hebat betul ah aku cakap. apak ah apak ah apak ah apakah
3. TAK CEPAT GIVE UP. maybe kriteria ni ada kat semua MATH FREAK kut.
5. hehehehehehheehehgegege kau baik.

cerita la pasal aku pula

pada suatu hari, seorg amirul telah meminta utk tbh. maka seorg aleena berkata, wah alimnya bio dia tulisan allughatul arabbiah. tanpa mengetahui tulisan itu bermaksud اماجيناسي.
tapi aku masih percaya kau ni
1. baik budi pekerti
2. ramai member & quite approachable
3. nak kata handsome tu, hm, boleh la.
4. sep sep fly ni mestilah bijaksana
5. seorang prs. aku bwp
6. ramai peminat. kat askfm org duk minta kapel sokmo
7. ada abah yg handsome
8. suara comel gila kat soundcloud
9. pandai main gitar. nanti tulis lagu utk isteri!
10. taktau nak cakap apa dah
Liked by: Jessiqa

describe sapik @ohshafiq

1. tinggi
2. handsome
3. socially awkward
4. org melaka
5. handsome la jugak
6. dota freak
7. haha buat lawak yg aku takleh nak brain
8. baik la jugak
9. rakan se-friendzone
10. taktau dah nak cakap apa.
Liked by: shafiq


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