

Ask @sha_faizal

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No, it is you. The prophecy said: " thou art shall be struck by lightning but fear not, non of you will die". The sensation when I first saw you is like being struck by a lightning.

You must have mistaken lightning & heart attack. Do you smoke?

I in my adventure to find the lost fragment of my heart, could that be you?

No. I don't fit in anyone's heart.

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3 soalan tuh...malas nak tulis pepanjang 1) describe Shae briefly 2) 10 things you know about Shae 3) what is your first impression when you first met shae

1. Basheer is always against something. Or maybe WAS? Skrg taktau la sbb da lama tak jumpa kan. Almost 2 tahun tak jumpa. He sure knows how to make things happen magically x)
2. Sado, handsome, tinggi, sick of love, bijok, lastminute studier?, committed, good listener&advisor, liverpool & lastly one of the people yg Allah syg <3
3. Hm first impression aku tgk kau Kelantan Freak. Cam bangga gila dgn semangat kelantan. Haha gitu
Liked by: sheikh basheer

define @ohshafiq

Hm handsome. Hotstuff. Tinggi gila. Ex-crush. Hahahahah crush gak la dulu masa kita zaman sekolah tapi shafiq taklayan masa tu hahahahaha xD k pastu em cikgu dota yg baik. Kuat semangat. Lagi, em, kaya kut. Huhu
Liked by: shafiq

Saya kawan awak je kat Twitter. Tapi saya segan la kalau awak tahu saya siapa. Malu la saya. Harap awak faham saya. takpelah lupakan je pasal phone number. Sorry ganggu awak. bye

Haha papelah awak. Bye :p

Saya nak call awak la. Takkan saya nak makan number phone awak pulak. Ish awak ni. Jadi boleh tak saya nak number awak? Saya merayu ni. Awak DM saya boleh? Sini open sangat la awak.

Idk you babe. Gentle ah mention/dm kat twitter. If youre my friend taksalah pun nak bg num. sape doe ni -.-

Dah kutip dah. rasa nya dah bersih lantai tu. Betul ke saya dengar cerita awak ni dah ada pakwe. kalau betul tak apa la. saya faham. mesti awak sayang kan dia.

Fitnah dajjal mana ni. Manede. Takde masa la awak. I have my own conflicts to think of.

Sedihnya. sampai hati awak buat macam ni dekat saya. hati saya ni lembut. macam kaca. dan awak baru saja hempaskan kaca tadi ke lantai. saya tengah meleleh air mata ni. tak boleh terima kenyataan cinta saya ditolak.

Pekebende kau ni? Dah dah. Kutip balik kaca2 tu kang terpijak susah pulak.

Sebab tu saya tak confront dengan awak. saya dah agak awak pasti tolak cinta saya. siapalah saya ni dimata awak. awak tak pandang pun saya.

Mana ada. Let's just stay decent. Lagipun i dont believe in these things anymore. Feeling2 ni menipu je semua. That feeling will eventually fade. Trust me.

Saya dah lama minat dekat awak, tapi saya tahu awak takkan layan saya. Awak kan glamour. Mana layan saya budak tak hot.

Awak ni lawak betei. Silap tanya acc askfm lettew

And the answer came like a bullet. Jeez. Alright describe me briefly.

King of Sleep, King of sarcasm, Master in friendzone, & currently working on PhD in getting out from friendzone.
Liked by: Rez

Each passing day, people are born and die. This is what we called the life cycle. But then people stark killing each other. so I wanna ask you something. Who do you think I am?

Sorry Mr./miss i have no idea who you specifically are. But i guess you are on of the people with knowledgeable thoughts :)

i think i'm love you. Call me maybe?

*i love you btw. Obviously you don't. You just want to have someone in company. You don't really love me. They are 2 different things.

hai nikkkk.. first impression terhadap sayaaa

sayang asniessa
Hai as. Hehe. Hm first impression eh. As nampak matured gila. Dan berwawasab tggi. Mula mula tgk pun ada gaya seorg ibu gitu. Sbb tu blh jd naib pres homeroom :p okay la. First impression yg positif dab tak banyak lari pun dpd personaliti as lepas dah lama kenal. Hehe.
Liked by: sayang asniessa

ana teh tarik sama ente punya tahik lalat. sangat unik

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAGAHA semua nak bash flyshits ana ni kenapa xD


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