

Ask @sheenisocare

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mzalyana’s Profile PhotoMusliyana
Musliyana atau lebih file aku sebagai Miza Musliyana Binti Mostafa Fahim is one of my best friends. Kenal since sekolah rendah but kawan since form one. Dia ni jenis friendly, ramai kawan, kuat gelak, kadang mintak kaki actually tapi baik gila actually. Selalu misunderstood. My fave moment with you was when we went to dpulze during recess back in perkampungan ilmu. Gelabah nak mati aku but Kau je yang calm HAHAHAHAH so I think that's it Jangan berubah sebab kau bangla

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Do you follow your brain or your heart?

brain, because I have no heart. tbh people break it way too many times so yeah

List down your bestfriends

woooo ni siapa? okay I'll list them down. they're all girls BTW because guys like to judge me :
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sorry kalau tak list nama sumpah penat nak type ( I think intan sent this question )
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What do you think of the Kardashians?

look they're not famous because they're talented but they're not untalented I haven't watched season 10 and idc

Kau ni bajet gengster eh? Aku tengok cara kau type.

Weh bangsat suka hati mak nenek Aku lah nak type cemana HAHAHAHAH kau punya jawapan dahlah sepatah dua je

What is the best song of all time?

All time? I would say whatever song by Madonna or Michael Jackson maybe idk

I want the hater's ID pls. Nak bash jugak sebab bored as hell rn

I'll send you on wechat ahahahaha what's your wechat ID

What type of person do you dislike?

People like amahwhauwjua who like to judge people for no reason and grunt complain over nothing ugh bitches these days

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

Thinking that everything will just GI back to the way it was when I felt like I made the right choice by shutting bitches out

Have you ever tried to be vegetarian?

Hahahahahaha hahah haha hahahahah cough cough cough laugh laugh hahah hahahahah a ah hell no its not even a question


Language: English